Mystical, magical
powerful beings
flying the golden sky.
fire lords
she stands back and sees them die.
She stands in a world that seems to go mad
as her kind slips into the past
and she feels herself falling
deep into the darkest void.
Another chance has died
another paradies torn to shreds
as Death claims yet another fragile hope.
She stands back and sees them perish
but she must stay alive
her magic horn glows brightly
in the falling shades of twilight
as she promises that she'll live on
and bring about right.
She lives
she survives
keeping her promise strong
she is a unicorn
bound by her promise
forced to try
unable to say goodbye.
She is the last of her kind
with her magic will die
and will we show her
the love she needs
to restore the magic
to this world of hate?

I hope we will
for we have had
more chances than we know
as we conquered
and as we killed
and as we couldn't believe
in dragons
and in demons
the fire lords we knew
as dead now as the ground at your feet
but now we must save this unicorn
this one last dove of peace
or we may as well pull the plug
on our own lives
on our own cries
on our own hopes and fears.
We cannot live without magic
we must not sink again
if we don't help
this last queen of peace
we may as well have not begun.
Hitler should then have won the war
Death should then have prevailed
but we keep hope and we keep dreams
why not share them with the world?
A world so in need
so trapped in greed
that we can't hope for an escape
but starting over
returning to the times
of dragons and of unicorns
and childish faith
such simple magic can save our souls
from the demon clutches of war and death.
By Emily Borkowski
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