On This Page
The New Creatures.

On page #4:
Dry Water.

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The New Creatures

Snakeskin jacket 
Indian eyes 
Brilliant hair 

He moves in disturbed 
Nile insect 

You parade thru the soft summer 
We watch your eager rifle decay 
Your wilderness 
Your teeming emptiness 
Pale forest on verge of light 

More of your miracles 
More of your magic arms 

Bitter grazing in sick pastures 
Animal sadness & the daybed 
Iron curtains pried open. 
The elaborate sun implies 
dust, knives, voices. 

Call out of the Wilderness 
Call out of fever, receiving 
the wet dreams of an Aztec King. 

The banks are high and overgrown 
rich w/warm green danger. 
Unlock the canals. 
Punish our sister's sweet playmate distress. 
Do you want us that way w/the rest? 
Do you adore us? 
When you return will you 
still want to play w/us? 

Fall down. 
Strange gods arrive in fast enemy poses. 
Their shirts are soft marrying 
cloth and hair together. 
All along their arms ornaments 
conceal veins bluer than blood 
pretending welcome. 
Soft lizard eyes connect. 
Their soft drained insect cries erect 
new fear, where fears reign. 
The rustling of sex against their skin. 
The wind withdraws all sound. 
Stamp your witness on the punished ground. 

Wounds, stags, & arrows 
Hooded flashing legs plunge 
near the tranquil women. 
Startling obedience fom the pool people. 
Astonishing caves to plunder. 
Loose, nerveless ballets of looting. 
Boys are running. 
Girls are screaming, falling. 
The air is thick w/smoke. 
Dead crackling wires dance pools 
of sea blood. 

Lizard woman 
w/your insect eyes 
w/your wild surprise. 
Warm daughter of silence. 
Turn your back w/a slither of moaning wisdom. 
The unblinking blind eyes 
behind walls new histories rise 
and wake growling & whining 
the weird dawn of dreams. 
Dogs lie sleeping. 
The wolf howls. 
A creature lives out the war. 
A forest. 
A rustle of cut words, choking 

The snake, the lizard, the insect eye 
the huntsman's green obedience. 
Quick, in raw time, serving 
stealth & slumber, 
grinding warm forests into restless lumber. 

Now for the valley. 
Now for the syrup hair. 
Stabbing the eyes, widening skies 
behind the skull bone. 
Swift end of hunting. 
Hug round the swollen torn breast 
& red-stained throat. 
The hounds gloat. 
Take her home. 
Carry our sister's body, back 
to the boat. 

A pair of Wings 
High winds of Karma 


Laughter & young voices 
in the mts. 

the Negro, Africa 
eyes like time 

Build temporary habitations, games 
& chambers, play there, hide. 

First man stood, shifting stance 
while germs of sight 
unfurl'd Flags in his skull 

and quickening, hair, nails, skin 
turned slowly, whirl'd, in 
the warm aquarium, warm 
wheel turning. 

Cave fish, eels, & gray salamanders 
turn in their night career of sleep. 

The idea of vision escapes 
the animal worm whose earth 
is an ocean, whose eye is its body. 

The theory is that birth is prompted 
by the child's desire to leave the womb. 
But in the photograph an unborn horse's 
neck strains inward w/legs scooped out. 

From this everything follows: 

Swallow milk at the breast 
until there's no milk. 

Squeeze wealth at the rim 
until tile pools claim it. 

He swallows seed, his pride 
until w/pale mouth legs 
she sucks the root, dreading 
world to devour child. 

Doesn't the ground swallow me 
when I die, or the sea 
if I die at sea? 

The City: Hive, Web, or severed 
insect mound. All citizens heirs 
of the same royal parent. 

The caged beast, the holy center, 
a garden in the midst of the city. 

"See Naples & die". 
Jump ship. Rats, sailors 
& death. 

So many wild pigeons. 
Animals ripe w/new diseases. 
"There is only one disease 
and I am its catalyst", 
cried doomed pride of the carrier. 

Fighting, dancing, gambling, 
bars, cinemas thrive 
in the avid summer. 

Savage destiny 

Naked girl, seen from behind, 

on a natural road 

explore the labyrinth 

young woman left on the desert 

A city gone mad w/fever 

Sisters of the unicorn, dance 
Sisters & brothers of Pyramid 

Mangled hands 
Tales of the Old Days 
Discovery of the Sacred Pool 
Mute-handed stillness baby cry 

The wild dog 
The sacred beast 

Find her! 

He goes to see the girl 
of the ghetto. 
Dark savage streets. 
A hut, lighted by candle. 
She is magician 
Female prophet 
Dressed in the past 
All arrayed. 

The stars 
The moon 
She reads the future 
in your hand. 

The walls are garish red 
The stairs 
High discordant screaming 
She has the tokens. 
"You too" 
"Don't go" 
He flees. 
Music renews. 

The mating-pit. 
Tempted to leap in circle. 

Negroes riot. 

A file of young people 
going thru a small woods. 

They are filming something 
in the street, in front of 
our house. 

Walking to the riot 
Spreads to the houses 
the lawns 
suddenly alive now 

I don't dig what they did 
to that girl 
Mercy pack 
Wild song they sing 
As they chop her hands 
Nailed to a ghost 

I saw a lynching 
Met the strange men 
of the southern swamp 
Cypress was their talk 
Fish-call & bird-song 
Roots & signs 
out of all knowing 
They chanced to be there 
Guides, to the white 

An armed camp. 
Army army 
burning itself in 

Jackal, we sniff after the survivors of caravans. 
We reap bloody crops on war fields. 
No meat of any corpse deprives our lean bellies. 
Hunger drives us on scented winds. 
Stranger, traveler, 
peer into our eyes & translate 
the horrible barking of ancient dogs. 

Camel caravans bear 
witness guns to Caesar. 
Hordes crawl & seep inside 
the walls. The streets 
flow stone. Life goes 
on absorbing war. Violence 
kills the temple of no sex. 

Terrible shouts start 
the journey 
-if they had migrated sooner 

-a high wailing keening 
piercing animal lament 
from a woman 
high atop a Mt. tower 

-Thin wire fence 
in the mind 
dividing the heart 

They smile 

Leave!No come here 
Leave her! 

A creature is nursing 
its child 
soft arms around 
the head & neck 
a mouth to connect 
leave this child alone 
This one is mine 
I'm taking her home 
Back to the rain 

The assassin's bullet 
Marries the King 
Dissembling miles of air 
To kiss the crown. 
The Prince rambles in blood. 
Ode to the neck 
That was groomed 
For rape's gown. 

Cancer city 
Urban fall 
Summer sadness 
The highways of the old town 
Ghosts in cars 
Electric shadows 

the dead seal 
the dog crucifix 
ghosts of the dead car sun. 
Stop the car. 
Rain. Night. 

Sea-bird sea-moan 
Earthquake murmuring 
Fast-burning incense 
Clamoring surging 
Serpentine road 
To the Chinese caves 
Home of the winds 
The gods of mourning 

The city sleeps 
& the unhappy children 
roam w/ animal gangs. 
They seem to speak 
to their friends 
the dogs 
who teach them trails. 
Who can catch them? 
Who can make them come 

The tent girl 
at midnight 
stole to the well 
& met her lover there 
They talked a while 
& laughed 
& then he left 
She put an orange pillow 
on her breast 

In the morning 
Chief w/drew his troops 
& planned a map 
The horsemen rose on up 
The women fixed the ropes 
on tight 
The tents are folded now 
We march toward the sea. 

Catalog of horrors 
Descriptions of Natural disaster 
Lists of miracles in the divine corridor 
Catalog of objects in the room 
List of things in the sacred river 

The soft parade has now begun 
on Sunset. 
Cars come thundering down 
the canyon. 
Now is the time & the place. 
The cars come rumbling. 
"You got a cool machine". 
These engine beasts 
muttering their soft 
talk. A delight 
at night 
to hear their quiet voices 
after 2 years. 

Now the soft parade 
has soon begun. 
Cool pools 
from a tired land 
sink now 
in the peace of evening. 
Clouds weaken 
& die. 
The sun, an orange skull, 
whispers quietly, becomes an 
island, & is gone. 

There they are 
us everything 
will be dark. 
The light changed. 
We were aware 
knee-deep in the fluttering air 
as the ships move on 
trains in their wake. 
Trench mouth 
again in the camps. 
Tell the girl to go home 
We need a witness 
to the killing. 
The artists of Hell 
set up easels in parks 
the terrible landscape, 
where citizens find anxious pleasure 
preyed upon by savage bands of youths 

I can't believe this is happening 
I can't believe all these people 
are sniffing each other 
& backing away 
teeth grinning 
hair raised, growling, here in 
the slaughtered wind 

I am ghost killer. 
witnessing to all 
my blessed sanction 

This is it 
no more fun 
the death of all joy 
has come. 

Do you dare 
deny my 
my kindness 
or forgiveness? 
Just try 
you will fry 
like the rest 
in holiness 

And not for a 
will I spare 
any time 
for you 
Ghost children 
down there 
in the frightening world 

You are alone 
& have no need of other 
you & the child mother 
who bore you 
who weaned you 
who made you man 

Photo-booth killer 
fragile bandit 
straight from ambush 

Kill me! 
Kill the child who made 
Kill the thought-provoking 
senator of lust 
who brought you to this state. 

Kill hate 

Kill badness 
Kill madness 

Kill photo mother murder tree 
Kill me. 
Kill yourself 
Kill the little blind elf. 

The beautiful monster 
vomits a stream of watches 
clocks jewels knives silver 
coins & copper blood 

The well of time & trouble 
whiskey bottles perfume 
razor blades beads 
liquid insects hammers 
& thin nails the feet of 
birds eagle feathers & claws 
machine parts chrome 
teeth hair shards of pottery & skulls the ruins 
of our time the debris by 
a lake the gleaming 
beer cans & rust & sable 
menstrual fur 

Dance naked on broken 
bones feet bleed & stain 
glass cuts cover your mind 
& the dry end of vacuum 
boat while the people 
drop lines in still pools 
& pull ancient trout 
from the deep home. Scales 
crusted & gleaming green 
A knife was stolen. A 
valuable hunting knife 
By some strange boys 
from the other camp across 
the Lake 

Are these our friends 
racing & shuddering 
thru the calm vales of parliament 

My son will not die in the war 
He will return 
numbed peasant voice of Orient 

Last time you said 
this was the only way 
voice of tender young girl 

Running & speaking 
infected green 

consult the oracle 
bitter creek 
they exist on rainwater 

mantra mate 
maker of brandy 

The poison isles 
The poison 

Take this thin granule 
of evil snakeroot 
from the southern 

way out miracle 
will find thee 

The chopper blazed over 
inward click & sure 
blasted matter, made 
the time bombs free 
of leprous lands 
spotted w/ hunger 
& clinging to law 

show us your ragged head 
& silted smiling eyes 
calm in fire 
a silky flowered shirt 
edging the eyes, alive 
spidery, distant 
dial lies 

come, calm one 
into the life-try 

already wifelike 
latent, leathery, loose 
lawless, large & languid 
She was a kindom-cry 
legion of lewd marching 

Where are your manners 
out there on the sunlit 
boundless glaxies of dust 
cactus spines, beads 
bleach stones, bottles 
& rust cars, stored for shaping 

The new man, time-soldier 
picked his way narrowly 
thru the crowded ruins 
of once grave city, gone 
comic now w/ rats 
& insects of refuge 

He lives in cars 
goes fruitless thru 
the frozen schools 
& finds no space 
in shades of 

the monitors are silenced 
the great graveled guard-towers 
sicken on the westward beach 
so tired of watching 

if only one horse were left 
to ride thru the waste 
a dog at his side 
to sniff meat-maids 
chained on the public poles 

there is no more argument 
in beds, at night 
blackness is burned 
Stare into the parlors of town 
where a woman dances 
in her European gown 
to the great waltzes 
this could be fun 
to rule a wasteland 


Cherry palms 
Terrible shores 
& more 
& many more 

This we know 
that all are free 
in the school-made 
text of the unforgiven 

deceit smiles 
incredible hardships are suffered 
by those barely able 
to endure 

but all will pass 
lie down in green grass 
& smile, & muse, & gaze 
upon her smooth 
to the mating-Queen 
who it seems 
is in love 
w/the horseman 

now, isn't that fragrant 
Sir, isn't that knowing 
w/a wayward careless 
backward glance 

Copyright: 1969-1970 James Douglas Morrison 


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