Muntakhab Ahadith

The Faith

Iman literally means, to believe in something firmly on relying on one's authority. Pure Islamic Iman is, to believe firmly in the information given by the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam without any self experience or human experiment, relying on the authority of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.

Qur'anic Verses - Glorious Translation:

1. And We sent no messenger before thee but We inspired him, (saying): There is no God save Me (Allah), so worship Me. (21:25)
2. They only are the (true) believers whose hearts feel fear when Allah is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited unto them they increase their faith, and who trust in their Lord. (08:02)
3. As for those who believe in Allah, and hold fast unto Him, them He will cause to enter into His mercy and grace, and will guide them unto Him by a straight road. (04:175)
4. Lo! We verily do help Our messengers, and those who believe, in the life of the world and on the day when the witnesses arise. (40:51)
5. Those who believe and obscure not their belief by wrongdoing, theirs is safety; and they are rightly guided. (06:82)
6. Yet of mankind are some who take unto themselves (objects of worship which they set as) rivals to Allah, loving them with a love like (that which is the due) of Allah (only) - those who believe are stauncher in their love for Allah - Oh, that those who do evil had but known, (on the day) when they behold the doom, that power belongeth wholly to Allah, and that Allah is severe in punishment! (02:165)
7. Say: Lo! my worship and my sacrifice and my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. (06:162)
1. Abu Hurairah (RZA) narrates that the Phrophet (SAW) said: Iman consists of seventy and a few more brancehs. So the prime most is Kalimah La Ilaha Illaha (Muhammadur-Rasulullah) and the least one is to remove harmful ones from the way. (The Prophet (SAW) further said), and the Haya (shame, modesty) is one of the branches of Iman. (Muslim: 153)
2. Abubakr (RZA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: One who accepts the Kalimah which I had offered to my uncle and he refused to accept it, it would be safety for him. (Musnad Ahmad: 6/1)
3. Abu Hurairah (RZA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: Refresh your Iman. The companions said, how can we refresh our Iman O' Messenger of Allah? The Prophet (SAW) said: Repeat the Kalimah La Ilaha Illallah very frequently and abundantly.
4. Jabir son of Abdullah (RZA) narrates that he heard the Prophet (SAW) saying: The most virtuous Dhikr (remembrance) is La Ilaha Illallah and the best Dua (supplication) is Alhamdulillah. (Tirmidhi: 3383)

Note: La Ilaaha Illallah has been described as as most virtuous Dhikr because the Islam revolves in its totality around this Kalimah, whithout which, faith and deeds have no value. The best Du'a is Alhamdulillah, because the glorification of Nobles is but to earn some benefits. Hence Alhamdulillah means to ask Allah for something good (Mazahir-e-Haq). 

5. Abu Hurairah (RZA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: Whenever a slave of Allah recites La Ilaha Illallah in sincerity the doors of the Jannah are made open for him till this Kalimah takes its way straight to 'Arsh. The Kalimah is accepted by Allah provided the person concerned avoid major sins. (Tirmidhi: 3590)

Note: Utterance with sincerity means, it should be free of show and hypocrisy. Secondly, the condition of avoiding major sins is for sooner acceptance of Dua. However utterance of Kalimah being involved in major sins is even useful, it will return reward and benefit to one who utters. (Mirqat)

6. Y'ala son of Shaddad (RZA) narrates that my father Shaddad (RZA) narrated and Ubada son of Samit (RZA) who was present there, certifies what my father has narrated that once we were present before the Prophet (SAW). He inquired: Is there any stranger? He meant nonbeliever from Jews and Christians. We replied No, then the Prophet (SAW) asked: Close the door and said: Raise your hands up and recite La Ilaha Illallah. We did so for a while. The Prophet (SAW) then put down his hands and said: " O Allah You have sent me down with this Kalimah and have ordered me (to invite to) this Kalimah and have promised to award Jannah (Paradise) on this Kalimah. O Allah! Certainly You don't break Your Promise". The Prophet (SAW) then said to us: Be glad; Allah has forgiven all of you. (Majma-al Jawaid: 164/1)
7. Abudhar (RZA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: One who uttered (in sincerety) the Kalimah La Ilaha Illallah and died having faith therein, certainly he would enter Jannah. Abudhar says: I asked the Prophet (SAW), even in the person has committed fornication and theft? The Prophet (SAW) responded: yes, though he has committed fornication and theft; (Abudhar says) I said again, even if he has committed fornication and theft? The Prophet (SAW) said: Yes, though he has committed fornication and theft. (Abudhar says) I again asked: Even if he has committed fornication and theft? The Prophet (SAW) said: Yes, even if he has committed fornication and theft on the contrary to the will of Abudhar. (Bukhari: 5827)

Note: Abudhar (RZA) was surprised that how a person having committed such major sins can enter Jannah (Heaven). That is why he asked repeatedly. The Prophet (SAW) made it clear to him (and hence to all of us) that a person who has uttered this Kalimah in full sincerity, he must enter Jannah though he has committed such major sins. Now it is upto Allah; wheather He forgives him ignoring his sins and cause him to enter Jannah or having penalized him for his sins, or he has managed to get his sins removed having sought forgiveness of Allah, however he will enter Jannah ultimately. Ulama has commented on this Hadith that utterance of Kalimah in full sincerity as referred in the above Hadith, includes firm faith to the Shariah in its totality and practice thereupon.
8. Hudhaifa (RZA) narrates that the Islam will become faded such as the designs of clothes (becomes faded) till the people would not know what is fasting, Sadaqah (spending money for the sake of Allah), neither they know about the Hajj, what it is. And then there would be a night wherein the Holy Quran would be lifted from the hearts. And no words of Quran would remain on the earth thereafter. A group of people consisting of old aged men and women would remain saying that we had found our ancestors practicing on this Kalimah so we use to say this Kalimah. Sila son of Zuraf said to Hudaifa (RZA) (the first narrator of this Hadith), how the Kalimah would benefit them in such a position wherein they do not know what is (the significance of) spending in the way of Allah and that what is Hajj. Hudhaifa (RZA) has turned away his face. Sila son of Zufar repeated the question thrice on Hudhaifa (RZA). Hudhaifa (RZA) has turned everytime his face from Sila son of Zufar (RZA) (i.e. avoided him). Hudhaifa (RZA) turned towards Sila (RZA) in the third time and told: O, Sila! This very Kalimah would rescue them from the Hell (after all). (Mustadrak Hakim: 473/4)
9. Abu Hurairah (RZA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: Whosoever utter La Ilaha Illallah it will ultimately benefit him even though he may have received some punishment earlier. (Targhib: 414/2)


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