Jan 27/04-oh yeah look at me! im updating this again! im actually trying to fix broken links. that quiz page is starting to annoy me -deletes- bwahahahahaha! now no one can compare me to themselves! -laughs evily at paul- er anyways BRANDY FINALLY SIGHNED MY GUESTBOOK! im putting up my pet peeves for those of you who want to annoy me. -has a feeling doing that is a bad idea- and updated the blinkies section and made a new button cause the other one was oogly.

Nov 14/03-yeah the site was completed a while ago. Ive just been so busy and i cant stand looking at this THING any longer... so now that im at a new school my new friends demanded that i put them on my friends list.... ok are you guys happy now? well now sign my guestbook and take my special quiz! I FEEL SO LOVED!!! errrr... well nevermind. becuase of the constant bickering ive been hearing ill also try and fix my links and and and such. i cant promise you that ill actually think about updating this untill another year has passed.... HAHA ON YOU ALL!

Feb 28/03-yaay! the site is 90% done!!! The sidebar crap is up and i am just so happy! And yes, i did draw that piccy... its me all anthro-like. yep yep. Well, im going to use my money i saved up to go to CA to buy a digital camera of my own. yep yep. The pictures should be up soon. In the meantime- Ill be working on my Jhonen fan site!

Feb 2/03-hum... ok, im working on this site once again, after finishing a couple other sites. construction will go on and off cause im still working on other sites... *sigh* i still need that crap for the left side bar and learn how to hook up the digital camera so i can get home piccies... that sounds fun *evil grin*

Dec 17/02-I got the whole site up... now alls i need is a good title and a piccy to go to the left.... i donno what though... *thinks*

Dec 6/02-finally putting up my personal site! horrah for me..... yeah, Im really hoping i get this right and stuff. *sigh* i dont even really know what to put on a presonal site!

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