George Poulo

The epistle to the Hebrews is a letter of encouragement to those who have found Christ yet have not fully entered into the Promised Land where God brings them to rest and a complete salvation (Spirit, soul, body, relationships, and finances).  Consequently, the letter becomes a comparison of religion, an external code of conduct (the Old Testament), with relationship (the new covenant), the Holy Spirit writing the law of love on the heart and in the mind.  Let us discover the wisdom of Hebrews.
The essential difference between what Moses gave to us, what Joshua gave to us, and what Jesus gave to us lies in the notion of an eternal priesthood and the blood of Christ.  Moses gave us the Law and the priesthood of Aaron.  Joshua gave us the Law, faith, and the priesthood of Aaron.  Jesus gave us the Law (his word), faith, and an unchanging priesthood after the order of Melchisedec.  Moses couldn't change the heart.  Joshua couldn't change the heart.  Jesus changes the heart.  With Moses and with Joshua there is a veil between the Holy of Holies where God resides and the priesthood and people of God.  When Jesus shed his blood on Calvary for the remission of sin, the veil was torn and our access to God was made available to every Christian where the Holy Spirit could enter the heart of mankind.  Heaven was to be the new sanctuary where the blood could provide the means for our entrance and Jesus became the minister of the new covenant (the blood providing the way for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on the heart and mind of the believer).  Jesus sacrifice of his body for the remission of sin is an eternal priesthood guaranteeing an endless life because he ever makes intercession for us.
The Christian life is meant for us to enter into a Sabbath rest where we cease from our own works and by faith and the word inherit the promises of God.  Jesus has opened for us the curtain to the Holy of Holies and we can enter into it here on earth and abide there and sit together with Christ in heavenly places.  Jesus is in a place of glory and honor now and wishes for us to be in that place as well. 
Moses died before he entered the Promised Land.  Religion could only take us so far.  Joshua by faith and the word entered the Promised Land.  But after the death of Joshua the people fell into idolatry and lost their position with God.  The priesthood was not an eternal and changeless one but sacrifice had to be made every year for the sin of the people.  Christ, however, in the power of an endless life, has an eternal priesthood and the blood he shed is efficacious for all eternity.  The blood of Christ gives us complete access to God in the anointing and power and glory.  Once the Christian begins his exodus from Egypt (born again), journeys through the wilderness, he will by faith, the word, and the love of Jesus enter into rest and move from glory to glory.
When we are born again the word by-passes the intellect, will, and emotions and enters the heart.  The wilderness experience is the time it takes to put the word in fertile ground to bear fruit and be a blessing to others.  We may never enter the Promised Land if, by persecution, we forsake the Lord or if the cares and riches of the world choke it. But at some point, if we transform our minds and present our bodies as a living sacrifice, we will have ample opportunity to watch God move us from victory to victory as we by faith and confession inherit the promises.
The wilderness is the time to learn the word, practice faith, abstain from murmuring, and believe that what God has promised he is able also to perform.  When the trial of our faith comes, we will prove ourselves to be the chosen ones (Many are called but few are chosen) and enter the rest of God. 
    The epistle to the Hebrews is a comparison between Moses and Christ, the old and the new covenant, the priesthood of Aaron and the priesthood of Christ, and the blood of goats and bulls and that of Christ.  Its purpose is to show that Jesus is superior to Angels, Moses, and the old covenant.  It is written for us that through faith and patience we too can inherit the promises and not draw back.  Jesus is the minister of the sanctuary and the minister of the new covenant.  The new covenant is the work of the Holy Spirit to write the word in our hearts and in our mind rather than in tablets of stone (old covenant).  It is the work of the Holy Spirit to appropriate all that Jesus has done for us.  It is the work of God which needs our cooperation, faith, patience, and our confession.
In the life of a Christian there comes a critical point.  Either we will step out in faith beyond the point of return or we will settle for the allurements of the world.  The author of the epistle to the Hebrews wishes for us to launch out in faith until we arrive in the Promised Land, the place of rest and victory and glory provided by our eternal high priest.  Which way will you go?  What will be your decision?  What has the blood of Christ done for you?   Jesus is waiting to be all and do all for you.  Will you let Him?   Amen.
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