Remedies for Sin
George Poulo

Colossians 3:1-5

1. Reckon yourself dead to sin: Build your faith by confessing God�s word.
a. Every day confess and when the temptation arises:
a. I crucify my flesh with its affections and lusts
b. I am dead to sin but alive to God
c. In Adam all die, in Christ all are made alive
d. I walk in the Spirit and I will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh
e. I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live.

2. Avoid the occasion of sin:  Barter the natural man for the spiritual man.
a. Music b. T.V. c. Parties d. movies e. friendship of worldly people
Seek those things which are above.

3. Humble yourself:  Do not seek self-glory, self-righteousness, self-conceit.
Consider the lily:  A bulb in the earth for 11 months.  Jesus was a bulb for thirty years, a flower for three, then crucified.  Take time to be used by God.  Learn scripture, pray, attend fellowship.

4. Accept the plan of salvation: 1Cor.6:9-11  No fornicator, idolater, etc. has an inheritance in the kingdom of God. A. Receive Christ as Savior and Lord. b. Receive sanctification: Be separated unto Christ and His gospel.
c. Seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  1Cor.1:30
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