George Poulo

But if you are led of the Spirit, you are
Not under the law.  Gal5:18

The key to the spiritual life is Spirit.  That sounds like a truism, but it is a profound statement.  Being led of the Spirit is the fulfillment of the journey.  Before we are born-again, our spirit is confused with the soul and the flesh.  There is no interior life.  We live a conceptual life and not a real one.  We see a cat but we don�t look at the cat.  Just look.  We have the concept "cat" therefore we do not see the cat only the concept.  The same is true of the spiritual life.  We have the law so we do not have to move in the Spirit.  The law tells us what is right and wrong.  So we do not move in the Spirit, we follow rules.  When we live by rules and ideology and dogma we forgo being led by the Spirit.  It seems easier to tell people to tithe than it is to give as the Spirit leads.  It seems easier to tell people to keep holy the Sabbath than it is to keep all days holy.  It seems easier to tell people to honor their father and mother than "to esteem all others better than oneself."  In short, it is simply easier to tell people to follow rules than it is to follow the Spirit.  To live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit requires one to own nothing, possess nothing, use what God has given for the kingdom and be free to give whatever the Spirit moves one to give.  Galatians 3:19 tells us the law was given "because of transgressions" and Jesus tells us that Moses gave divorce because of "the hardness of the heart"" but to tell people that the law is no longer "our schoolmaster" but Christ, the anointing and the Anointed One is, goes contrary to reason.   How often do we wait on the Spirit before speaking, acting, giving, praying, working, and studying, in short, living.  We are moved by the intellect, our will, and our emotions.  Paul tells us to be moved by the Spirit.  Abraham pleased God long before the Law was given.  Jesus came and disputed with the Jewish leaders to give up the Law and follow Him.  Two thousand years later we are still trying to tell the church that the law, rules and regulations, is not our covenantal relationship.  Whether we try to convince people to tithe or go to church on Sundays, we are still appealing to law and not the Spirit.  This makes for good attendance and finances, but not Spiritual people. 
The key to the spiritual life is Spirit.  The baptism in the Spirit requires complete surrender.  When we receive the baptism, do not go back to the law but follow the Spirit.  Our natural man wants rules, concepts, dogma and certainty.  The Spirit wants obedience, the obedience of faith.  "We walk by faith not by sight."  'We walk by the Spirit and not by the Law.'  It amounts to the same thing.   The law does not save only grace through faith.  To live by grace through faith is to live as Abraham, not like the Jews in the desert.   When we follow laws, we do not need discernment.  We do not need to look, listen, or pray.  We just follow the law.  It is not the Spiritual life.  To be led of the Spirit is a life of faith...a life that calls things which are not into existence.  Are you living by faith or by the law?  Are you led of the Spirit or is there an equation you follow when it comes to giving?  Do you go to church on Sunday because the Spirit is leading or because that is what one does on Sundays?  What is your spiritual life on Wednesdays?  Is your job your source of income or the place where you sow seed that produces a harvest?  What is the condition of your tongue?  Is the Spirit controlling that rudder? 
The key to the spiritual life is Spirit.  Being born again and being led by the Spirit are not the same.  Only by going through the desert will you find your Jordan.  Only by working out your salvation will you come to the place of rest.  Only by being led by the Spirit are you not under the yoke of the law.  I pray you be uncomfortable until you find complete comfort in the Spirit.  Not the comfort of the law, or the intellect, or the will, or the emotions...the comfort of being led of the Spirit and living with certain uncertainty, a life of faith, excitement, and freedom. 
"Live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit" (Galatians chapter 5) It is not a natural life, an intellectual life, a willful life, an emotional life but a Spiritual life.   It is a life of faith.  Are you uncomfortable with that?  That is the message of the gospel.  That is why so few follow it.  That is why the Spiritual life is reduced to religion.  It is easier, more comfortable but ultimately, fruitless.   
The key to the spiritual life is Spirit.  Amen
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