The Force of the Law
George Poulo

For we know that the law is spiritual, but
I am carnal sold under sin. Rm7:14

That the law is spiritual means that if I keep it, I have peace, but if I break it, I am sold under sin.  It does not matter how strong I am or how weak I am, it does not matter what excuse I give, how bad I have had it in life, if I break the law, if I know to do good and do not do it, I am sold under sin.  Being sold under sin means judgment.  You know you have done wrong and no matter how you try to justify yourself, what excuse you try to make, there is condemnation.
The law is absolute and merciless.  I may be in the right ninety-nine percent of the time and mess up once, what follows is condemnation.  If I am guilty of breaking the law in one of its points, I am guilty as if I broke all of them.  It is not that all sin is equal, not keeping the Sabbath does not have the same weight as murder for example, rather, the consequence to me is equal.  I am judged as one who has committed sin.  The experience is the same.
There is only one recourse for condemnation and that is repentance. 
"If  I confess my sin he is faithful and just to forgive me my sin and cleanse me of all unrighteousness." (1Jn1:9)  To try and justify oneself, rationalize it, explain it away does not remove the condemnation.  I can not say because I am tired I am excused from my sin.  I cannot say because I had it hard in life or am weak or under pressure I am excused from my sin.  The law does not allow for excuses.  Only admitting the transgression to God and pleading the blood of Christ will remove the guilt associated with the sin.  This is where many people fail to get it.  They will not admit what the law is condemning them for.  They will say I am an addict so it�s alright to sin.  I was mistreated as a child so I am excused.  Life isn't fair.  People don't like me.  I cannot get ahead.  Consequently, they live their lives in condemnation, guilt, anxiety, fear, and depression.  They will not judge themselves in sin and so the law which is spiritual judges them and they remain in bondage.  If you have sinned and all have sinned at some point in their lives, regardless of the reasons, whether good ones or bad, repent, plead the blood of Jesus, and ask God for his forgiveness and mercy and you will experience the miracle of the cross in your life.  Nothing else will set you free.  Nothing else will restore peace and order.  Amen.
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