The Book of Revelation

By George Poulo

To depict a God of Love with divine retribution
Casts a false shadow of holy confusion.
How can we live when Jesus we pierce
With torment and strife and violence fierce?

We place in the pit and lake of fire
Those destined for hell and the funeral pyre.
Death and Hades, false prophet and beast
The Devil and Satan and all who have done only the least.

Babylon the Great, the city of Rome
God's wrath finds a home
On those sealed with the mark
666, the night is dark

It is the response of the church in its plight
Of persecution and fright
To try to survive in a pagan world
By expressing the wrath of God's fury unfurled

While over the years, seers have tried
To determine the time when the end will be applied.
It must be now! No! It must be now!
When will it be? Only God knows somehow

Those poor bastards in choosing evil and sin
Are predestined for hell while all the saints win.
It could have been you. It could have been me.
Who would not accept the message and Jesus plea.

Life is a mystery for sure
One becomes filthy. One becomes pure.
One predestined for heaven, the other for hell
Can it really be true that in the end all is well?

Pray for me and for you
The Bible is true
I feel sorry for those
In whom evil was chose.
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