Only Christ
George Poulo

The times are going to get harder.  It is going to require more than praise.  It is going to require more than prayer.  It is going to require more than bible reading.  It is going to require a life wholly committed to Christ.  Where the blood of Christ remits sin, the cross deals a death blow to the flesh, the devil, and the world.  Only a person obedient to Christ, the Spirit and His leading, will escape the tribulation that is coming upon the world.  Only a person dead to sin, dead to the flesh, dead to the world, dead to the law will enter spiritual warfare like Joshua and Caleb and win the victory.  That battle is a battle of faith.  That battle is for authority over demons and darkness, sickness and death.  That battle begins in the mind and will end in the world where victory will be manifest and revealed.  One cannot be motivated by the law, for the law brings death.  One cannot be motivated by self, for Jesus calls us to deny ourselves.  One cannot be motivated by the flesh, for the Spirit lusts against the flesh and the flesh against the Spirit.  One cannot be motivated by the world, for all that is of the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.  Only what is done for Christ, in Christ, and through Christ will remain.  Only Christ will last for all eternity.  Die to all that is not of Christ and the "manifest" you will remain.  Then you will deal the death blow to the Devil, to sickness, disease, sin, and you will prosper in all that you do.  It is a life wholly committed to Christ.  It is a life that waits on God for its purpose and direction, for its power and its might. 
To have authority requires more than having your sins forgiven.  It requires death to the power of sin so that the words you speak have the backing of God.  Take up the cross and follow Christ.  All who do will bear fruit.  To bear fruit the corn of wheat must fall into the ground and die.  To bear fruit one must overcome.  To bear fruit one must pass through a crisis of faith.  Joshua and Caleb had a working relationship with God so when the crisis of faith came, though the enemy looked like giants, they only saw God.  If you see God, nothing can frighten you and nothing can defeat you.  To have faith one must know God.  One must know him in the Word and in his life.  One must be filled with Christ and led of the Spirit.
Praise alone won't succeed.  Prayer alone won't succeed. Bible study alone won�t succeed.  Only a life in Christ will.  Amen.
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