Julian.h- My baby! i dunno where to start with you. your so awesome i love you so much.<3*. you always make me smile! from deep down [=. i dunno how u do it but it makes me love you more every day. <3. hehehe playing "pool" priceless. many goood loveable times with you. to many to count. im your lil she-bear! hahaha my manley strength.  i love you!. im so happy were together!! i will love u AnF!! lol always and forever. Spiderman... spiderman.. does what ever a spider can hahaha awesome i luv that. hehehe.haha drama. me and my laughing attacks u cant even calm me down lol o well u'll figure it out one day [= haha killing alexis in the pools lol shes my tomatoe and u always drown her.haha GROUNDERS <3** i love that game now only because thats how i got to noe you! hehehe. your the best. i couldnt of asked for more, im so happy when im with you, you have no idea [=. no matter what happens i will love you now and forever. i wont let stupid things come between us and reuin something special we have. your to speical to me and im not stupid enough to let that happen. i love you so much baby. AnF!.haha meow.... wooof.... meow mix meow mix please deliver. :D hahaha. ooo i am the terrorist terrorist terrorist terrorist T-E-R-R-O-R-IST the terrorist.!!!!! o and dont forget. im coool like that [= mmm our long long talks on the phonee and pills beery doh girl? hehehe fun times are your house and your birthday mr.bear! hehe i love you always and forever haha =] ice skating i so got you plenty of times! lol and thursday night live was awesomeee i cant believe you put my hand up!  kiss* BOWS IN MOUTH hahahahahaha* i winn again! i always do sometimes i think u just let me win. NOT COOL i need competition! lol. football games! fnu fun fun! and hallween my yummy alchohol. teehee. i love you with all my heart, i love you more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow. your my all, i love you.  haha    ;)
<3*<3*<3*<3*<3*. count em. 5  ;) love youu -xoxo-
Dina.e- awww my litte baby dinoushka!! i love you hun! aww my lil baby cuzin forever! and my pen pal buddie! so many memories with you! my head is telling my fingers to write all of them but i dont think there would be enough room! haha arm wrestling with you! your a strong l monster. HArriSon!!! aww all the times in the poools there! and when u fell because of patrick hahaha aww. hot tubs! and crabs! haha. running around eating all of the buffet! haha priceless. playing store with you and monopoly! lol. walks to the park and the mall!. donkey konga haha always. eating icecream @ nonnas house! and all the bbq's with nonno and nonna! haha taking my mags!!! u butt head i want them back! lmao... neopets. your so adorible. i love you sso much best cuzinz forever kido!. aha my kitty attacking you! and princess diaries!  lol best movie to watch with you! hahaha all our lil sleeeepoverss and u talking to all my friends on msn. stop swearing dinnnie! its not good for you lol. matching tank tops! and skirts!!! haha reading with you and make up! your a lil drama queen you noe that? o well i loveu for it. haha playing tricks on angela and wakeing up ur dad! lol ICE CUBES lmao spilling them all over the carpet and camping out side on your portch! never gunna forget that ! i was so scared aha. and our little town in ur crawl space!hahaha townspeople. awesome stuff! playing dinosaurs and everything i love you! my lil dinoushka! dont grow up to fast! <3*
Connie.n-haha loser. i cant belive it you noe. your only like 28 dayz older than me.. thats like that movie. Con.Con. the Bon.Bon was born then... 28days later [haha theres the movie i think :S] Ursey.Pursey was born! haha awesome. many many good times with you. reading. sleeeepovers. hahah we were watching lord of the rings in my room once and then i got scared so we put in rugrats!!!! haha priceless. times haha u me and angela all loved mr.bumpy o god i loved him. he was so greeeen and he liked socks. and when we were little'r we used to send each other letters in the mail! and i always forgot ur zip code so i had to phone and ask all the time! haha. NEOPETS hah funny. and i remember once we went to the mall and we took as  many circus tickets as we could find in all the stores! at guilford or sumthing! haha priceless. adn then when we were done lino and ur dad were coming out of getting a hair cut and they both put blue jell to look like they died it blue in their hair. haha we were soo shocked! and when we went to go see chicago we were like wtf is this. and we took our first sticker pictures! hahah awesome. u lived so far i never got to see u! and like ever since u've lived here weve wanted to kill eachother and gotten into soo many fights! we should stop cuz we both no how to have a fun time hahah. when we went to the mall and we walked by that one place over and over and over again untill the last time we did i finally noticed there was a car in the middle of the mall. HAHAHHA stupid ol me. anyhows so many memz! and more to come!. im still looking forward to our europe trip! we need to make a new map tho.haha luv you hun:)
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