MzLizzie Tarot

When you and I place our attention on an issue

We tap into universal energy

Love/Friendship/Career/Spiritual Path

Tarot cards are used to combine our spirit and find the answers in the energy surrounding a question. The cards see what you are unable to see yourself. Let my years of study and readings help you along your path.

The Tarot gives us insight into the patterns and energies in our lives. The more understanding we have of those patterns, the more positive the experience and the outcome.

Experienced Tarot Reader here to help YOU.
Call Now!

Please understand that the tarot does not tell the future. The tarot reads the energy around a question or a problem to bring underlying feelings and influences to light. As circumstances change, so does the future.

If you would like an email reading, email me at [email protected] with your question. Feel free to write to me before ordering a reading to discuss my philosophy or any questions you may have. You will receive your reading via email in 24-48 hours. Or, you can call me now and we can get started right away!

To call:

For an email reading:

Order a reading for $30.00

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If you have any questions at all, contact me [email protected].

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