Nora's Blog
life is full of treasures..that can be touchable or not..whatever the way,u belong thm close to ur heart they r all urs
Empty Horizon
Its raining in side and outside..winds r blowing as its no where to go..roaming here and there..without destined.
a few years ago i was like this tumble wind the rain pouring from my little heart ..was tired of giving everything to everybody around me..never felt that i cud deserve some from them at least am not an angel..i cant be..i dont want to be..i recovered but i have changed i have become selfish now..
loving people is my strength & not finidng fault is my weakness..who can tell me was it good or bad?/
i was watching the last twilight zone standing near the river was awesome though it was hurt aching to see the last shine of the mighty Sun...the dark is covering on its head..its eyes ..the luna will rise now if he doesnt..then the peach black will grasp all the universe...
BUt it will never bother the mighty people cos they have all the strength to fetch the good and bad ..they decide who will be bad who will be good..its a process which is happening just after the big bang is started its journey..and it goes on goes on..
i want to see them numb. The so called mighty people are no longer pulling the chain whenever should be the end..
i will wait. Its happening just within this few moments when the last shine of light hiding on its own cave...
2007-06-18 09:10:24 GMT
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