Nora's Blog
life is full of treasures..that can be touchable or not..whatever the way,u belong thm close to ur heart they r all urs
BD is not all about Bad things and Bad people

Its true that in present situtaion in Bangladesh things r not going well but it doesnt mean that all things r going bad to worse..rather there r light at the end of the tunnel and we can see its aura..

so keep patience be honest trust urself that something good is ahead toward us ..Bangladesh..

Anti G8 Concert 2007:

Bangla played at the anti G8 concert in Rostock, Germany on 7th June 2007, infront of 85,000 people. They shared the stage with Bono (U2), Bob Geldof, Youssou N'Dour (Grammy winning singer from Senegal), Herbert Groenemeyer ( Big German rock Star) etc. Dr. Yunus also spoke to support the cause. The concert was held under the banner 'Your Voice Against Poverty'.

Famous people famous Bangladesh and along with ur famous BAND U2..

2007-06-24 09:13:40 GMT
Comments (2 total)
i really appreciate your feeling.. i dream too about my country..but i believe when the new SARKAR will come he won change the laws and regulations that are now maintained in bangladesh..
2007-06-27 07:41:11 GMT
i do agree with u but if we stop dreaming then wht will be left?this dream will becum true one day may be not tomorrow may not in this era..but one day Amen.and for that people like you like us should go back to BD and take the responsibilty from the spoiled govt...
2007-06-28 05:32:54 GMT
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