Before Women Had Wings (1997 - TV)

Australian Availability: available to rent and buy on VHS video

Stars: Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Barkin, Julia Stiles, Tina Majorino, John Savage

Director: Lloyd Kramer

Story: Connie May Fowler

Running Time: 92 mins

Filmed At: Ojai, California

Distributor: Harpo Pictures

The Story:

Glory Marie had lived most of her married life under a cloud of abuse at the hands of her often violent husband. Following his suicide she takes her two daughters and relocates, determined to start a new life. But the pressures of raising her family by herself coupled with a growing feeling of loneliness sees her subjecting her children to the same kind of physical punishment she had endured. It is only through the intervention of a mysterious local woman, who has formed a bond with Glory's younger daughter, that Glory is able to face up to her problems and make a difficult, courageous and ultimately rewarding decision.

Australian VHS cover art:

Julia on 'Before Women Had Wings':

�I learned so much from Ellen Barkin. I think that she is an amazing woman. She is always in character and always focused on work. Oprah is like the opposite - when they are rolling, she is totally in her character, but when they cut she is very mothering and warm."

"I shot the last scene first. It was very emotional, when I am separated from my mother. Everyone was really dedicated to the story and that scene sort of catapulted us into the shoot. It was refreshing that everyone was so into the shoot."

The book:

Did You Know?

Ellen Barkin won an Emmy and was nominated for a Golden Globe for her performance in Before Women Had Wings

John Savage plays the role of Lydecker in TV's Dark Angel

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