Draw Section

; This phile is ungoverned by the Cypherpunks Anti-License ; Do with it as you will.

; This copyleft&ist; phile is in AutoLISP® ; Sorry. ; Momentarily stuck in Windows® ; Nice GCL code in kitchen for a change. ; Honest.

; Acc ; A path on a map can be represented by a cosine wave.

; draw cosine wave

; decimal precision of error ; amount of deflection actual wave can take ; its actual variance in linear rotation ; isn't much at all. ; w rect meas + sine wav ; more (less?) pitch (musical acoustical etc.)


section-corners '((-83.0676 42.5203) (-83.0858 42.52) (-83.0852 42.5054) (-83.0674 42.5055)) pi

3.1415926535897932384626433 earth-radius

6.3662e+006 )

; This phile is in Revison 14's AutoLISP.

; The following routine ; translates from longitude and latitude (respectively) ; in degrees ; to (approximate) x, y, z ; in meters.

(defun spheric (pt / long lat rho theta phi x y z)

(setq long (car pt) lat (cadr pt) rho earth-radius theta (/ long (/ 180.0 pi)) phi (/ (+ lat 90.0) (/ 180.0 pi)) x (* rho (cos theta) (sin phi)) y (* rho (sin theta) (sin phi)) z (* rho (- (cos phi)))) (list x y z))

; This draws the section whose corners ; are given by longitude and latitude ; in degrees as the list section-corners

(defun draw-section (section-corners / comm left)

(setq comm '("3dpoly") left section-corners) (while left (setq comm (cons (spheric (car left)) comm) left (cdr left))) (setq comm (cons nil (cons "close" comm))) (apply 'command (reverse comm)))

(draw-section section-corners)

; generate list of n s's

(defun list-of (n s / result)

(while (not (zerop n)) (setq result (cons s result) n (1- n))) result)

; calculate centroid of corner points

(defun section-center (section-corners)

(mapcar '/ (apply 'mapcar (cons '+ (mapcar 'spheric section-corners))) (list-of 3 (length section-corners))))

(setq map-center (section-center section-corners))

(command "vpoint" map-center nil)

(command "save" "section.dwg" nil)

(print "saved to section.dwg")


; packaging+engineering+lead ; http://alltheweb.com/search?q="packaging+engineering"+"Pb";">"packaging+engineering"+"Pb" ; 1248z 6 sept 2004 ; wdiv channel 4 ; nbc today show ; ilana ; [email protected] ; pubwan and distilled water ; pubwan and the game of tennis ; dolfrt ; piprgiyyrt

; planned unplanning

; credit-dauphine.com ; wikibooks portal physics ; information physics

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