Personal Info
*Your Name:
*Email Address:
Wrestler Info
*Wrestlers Name:
*Wrestling Style:eg.Hardcore, Brawler, All-Rounder
*Enterance Music:
*Finisher Description:
*List two to Three Wrestlers your guys looks most like starting with the best:
Other Information:
*You have 10 points to be distrubited through the following categories: Strength, Speed, Vitality, Charisma.
The NAWA is an all original fed. So keep that in mind while you are filling out your contract.

* Indicates that you must fill in the field
All Wrestlers will be accepted unless I find something wrong with the contract. The Wrestler will be on a two week trail and if they cant prove the they are NAWA material they will be realesed from the roster.
The NAWA is an all original fed. So keep that in mind while you are filling out your contract.

Copy and send to
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