Atlantic Whitefish By: Tiara Hypolite
More information on the Atlantic Whitefish
~ 1 pencil
~ 1 piece recycled paper
~ 1 black marker
~ 1 white cereal box
~ Glue
~ Scissors
~ Black paint
~ Paint brush
1. Draw an outline of the atlantic whitefish on  
     recycled paper using pencil

2. Go over the outline in black marker

3. Cut out the white pieces ( some with balck
    writing some without) of the cereal box

4. Paste the pieces of cardboard with writing on
    the upper part of the fish, and the solid white
    pieces on the lower part of the fish

5. Fill in the fins and tail (aka caudal fin) of the
    fish with cardboard and paint them black

6. Cut out your new ATLANTIC WHITEFISH!
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