Universal Life Compassion Society
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The purposes of the Universal Life Compassion Society are: :
a. To treat those with legitamite medical needs using herbal and homeopathic therapies on a members-only basis

b. To provide a safe, friendly, professional atmosphere for herbal treatments and homeopathic therapies on prescription from a licensed medical doctor or a certified naturopath.

c. To raise funds and accept donations to encourage and participate in research into all aspects of therapeutic uses of medicinal cannabis and other herbal remedies.

d. To provide information and access to safe, natural remedies

We will have registration packages available for membership in the very near future. If you would like one please email me and we will send one out as soon as possible.
B.C. Compassion Society
MSN Community-Universal Life Compassion
We are now a registered non-profit society. We rcieved notification on Wed. June 20,2001 of our status..

We are now able to issue reciepts for any donations recieved.

If you would like to support the ULCS you can send donations to :

Leslie Schentag
Universal Life Compassion Society.
5520 Tappin Road, P.O. Box 7
Union Bay, BC, V0R 3B0.Canada

We would like to thank all those people that have supported us and helped us make a difference.<
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