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Good Music
My Role Playing Game: Powers of Oogie


MERC Gaming Music - The site I still actually update...

MERC Gaming


Last Major Update: Thursday November 7, 2003



>>> November 7, 2003 <<<

Wow... that work must have tired me out! (see news below)

Yeah, I haven't worked on this site for a long time.

The final update to the site is my game reviews I wrote for my high school newspaper. Minus one I wrote on Metroid Prime... gotta retype it...
I'm not going to post any other updates to this gaming site anymore, but I will still continue work on my other site, MERC Gaming Music... A name change should probably be considered, as it would technically be M Gaming now... (only music)... As it was before, I will take suggestions of what game music to re-record over a stereo mini cable. I have a list of games on the other site that can be done immediately.

Please note however, that I will still maintain this site's current content. If you find any broken links, etc., please contact me

As of this posting, MERC Gaming is officially


(wow, that was ominous)

>>> October 23, 2001 <<<

Well, after about 5 hours of work, I've got the demo of my game, Powers of Oogie up on the site! You can download the files here

Sadly, since making my game took so long, the only other thing I was able to do was complete the list of my games. You can email me a request for music from a game on this list. It may take me a week or so, but I will try my best to get you the music you requested. Just give me your email address so I can send you an email to tell you when I've posted it!

And please, people, comment on my site in the message board, or through email. I want to know how I'm doing!

>>> October 8, 2001 <<<

My most substantial update today is the addition of the "my games" section. In this section, I will post games I create using C++. They are free, of course. Go to the files section to find this.

I added three new Final Fantasty Midi's to the files section. I didn't have time today, but I plan to give the files section a 'makeover'.

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For Questions and Comments, (Please notify me of broken links, etc.) e-mail me at [email protected]

Note: MIDI's Played throughout this site are copyrights of their respective owners. Final Fantasty and Chrono Cross/Trigger music is copyright of Squaresoft.

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