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Message from the Author:

A person's greatest accomplishments when writing are always those mistakes or words that have been produced from raw emotion.  It is only those most daring souls that challenge the fabric of commonality who create a masterpiece capable of touching both the physical and mental state of a reader's being.  They are the true artists of time.  They are the unknowns. 

Am I an unknown?  Personally, I do not think I am.  I am merely one more of those poor shmucks posting their work on the internet in hopes of gaining recognition just for the pure fun of it.  Face it, I'm a ham.  But I guess the decision of the unknown should be placed on those wanderers who drift into this site and view my body of work. 

So in conclusion, I leave this decision you to you.  You decide whether I am merely a ham striving for attention, or an artist and member of the unknowns...
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