
P I C T U R E S .......................OO F........................M A E D A...................T O S H I I E


Profile of Maeda Toshiie   Maeda Toshiie in Bushido   Maeda Toshiie's Stories


For more 20th and 21st century portraits of Maeda Toshiie, click one of the links above.


Maeda Toshiie according to a sculptor, 2004


Maeda Toshiie according to a history book, 2002


Maeda's classic portrait of 16th century


Maeda's statue at Kanazawa castle today


Maeda's portrait of 19th century


Portrait of Maeda Toshiie at Kanazawa City Hall today


Maeda Toshiie in a videogame, 2003


Maeda Toshiie in still another videogame, 2005.
This looks is more fitting to be Oda Nobunaga's in his 'Lord Fool' years.


Maeda Toshiie in an anime movie


Maeda Toshiie in an anime series based on the bio of Oda Nobunaga, Bushilord (2004)


Maeda Toshiie in a videogame, 2003


Answers to your questions



Nina Wilhelmina

Site, designs & rap © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Nina Wilhelmina


All rights reserved. Every borrowed image at this site is put for non-profit educational purposes only.
Credits for pictures of Oda Nobunaga that were sent by a number of visitors of this site are attached to every item at the picture pages.

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