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What is the definition of NPS?

Nail Patella Syndrome (also called Fong's Disease, Hereditary Onycho-Osteodysplasia ['HOOD'] is characterized by several typical abnormalities of the arms and legs as well as kidney disease and glaucoma.  It has been recognized as a hereditary condition for over 100 years and is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.   That is, the risk of transmission is 50% per pregnancy, irrespective of gender (just like flipping a coin).  Approximately 20% of cases are sporadic, being the result of a new mutation.  The incidence is approximately 1 in 50,000 and occurs throughout the world in all ethnic groups.

What is the purpose of this website?

Nail Patella Syndrome is a complex condition that varies greatly between each individual.  The purpose of the website is to provide information to each specialist field of medicine so that they may recognize those with NPS, as well as to provide contact personnel should further information be needed in the care of those diagnosed.  In addition, this website hopes to provide information to the general public so that people who are just discovering that they have NPS have a place to go for information.

Orthopedics, Nephrology, Ophthalmology and Genetics have been highlighted as these are the specialist fields of medicine commonly associated with NPS. There are many other areas that should be included, for example Rheumatology, but for the moment we should concentrate on the four mentioned above.  Please visit the Medical Involvement page for a more in depth look at each area.

Click Here For The Most Current Information On The Year 2001 Nail Patella Syndrome Medical Symposium.

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Please check the 'Contact Us' page to send specific questions to the appropriate committee.


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DISCLAIMER: These materials are for informational purposes only, and are intended to provide you with reliable and timely health information. It is not our aim to provide health advice or counseling, which should be sought from a licensed health care practitioner or health care organization.


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