Nairda's Pickles and Llamas
mtl mt2 mt3
Nairda's 2nd BADart Contest Entry
Sodoff, Shilow, Beef, colinina, and strangers named Josh, Libby, and several others that showed up while I was eating dinner, helped to contribute to this awful collage.

P.S. Sizing is purposefully awful. If you need me to fix it, I'd be happy to. (cropped just a little by bobs).


"Life's too important to take seriously!"
Spit and Bow! For I am the Queen of the Pink Llamas! Pink Llamas FOREVER!!!

Nairda's BADart Contest Entry

Ok, so I'm not a Rasta...but sometimes I wish I could be so sure of everything...

This IS a Rasta hut in the ghetto of Mo Bay, called Gully, that I am standing outside of licking my lolly...angrily! Yes, I'm angry! They wouldn't let me in. Those CHEETERS! They said something about pickle smells interfering with the mood or something. HUMPH!

Stupid Rastas!

Being the second picture in Nairda's Jamaica 2000 series, this one captures the beauty and essence of the mysteriously green pool.

The pool was actually green. They had been trying to figure out why. It wasn't algae, or chemicals, or Kool-Aid, either. They had had a bunch of Green Pool Experts come and take a look and they reassured us it was OK to swim in. Three days later, the pool turned blue again. Hmmmm... This is me getting ready to jump in.

Enjoy! Nairda

When his wig fell off, it was revealed that the lower right corner of the pyramid was NOT a cheerleader, but the Social Studies teacher at Sweet Valley.

Picture by bob33333

Nairda Speaks About the Wedding to bobs
The fro was a mishap, okay?! I was having a bad hair day! I must say, it DID improve my sissyfighting, though. I apologize to my dear Bobs for having to leave so soon, but there were FIREWORKS!!! There was no, don't worry about obsessing. Let me give you a little of our history...

The first time I saw Bob (as a collective of course) was, oh, I dunno...a few weeks ago. It was on a wonderful webpage, the best I think I've ever seen, called "Bob's Beautiful Page." Oh, I couldn't resist those manly physiques and the kilts, oh the kilts! I could tell we had the same tastes in fashion right away, which is, of course, the most important thing in a relationship. When I scrolled to the bottom of the wonderfully-laid out page, I saw an email address and I just couldn't hold back any longer. I proposed to them all that day and they said YES!

Well, this all happened several weeks ago. I never met Bob in sissyland until our wedding day. Being the spontaneous little pickle-laying llama that I am, I suggested we get married ASAP...which happened to be that moment. Slowly, all the Bobs began filing into the makeshift wedding chapel and then came PreacherBro. Soubrette almost made one of the Bobs late (they really MUST consider enlarging the playground), but realized her mistake and left. Poor Soub...I wish you could've stayed and been a part of the wedding party. I was very rushed, and a bit pushy I must admit, but it got the wedding over soon enough. I was so happy that I tattled on all my new husbands just as they scratched my eyes out. It was lovely (as you all can see) and it's really okay that we didn't have a honeymoon or even a reception. I always thought it'd be neat to get married in Vegas, and I guess this is the next closest thing! *sniff* It's all too much, really!


P.S. Sorry you haven't gotten any pickles, Bob's...I've been saving them for a big pickle adoption day at the local Humane Society chapter.
P.S.S. Oh, if that crummy deadbeat Luna comes poking around, tell her that I'm taking the kid and that I've got it a real father, a bunch actually!

Picture by SONofBOB+

Nairda's Official Statement Regarding "SAVEtheBOBS"

Well, first let me say that that photo was doctored. I wasn't holding the petition. Someone edited that in... :) Ok, that aside, I'd like to make my opinion on this whole thing a little clearer...
As the wife of four of the bob's, I will sorely miss the ability to see all four of my husbands at once. They will have to wait in a line outside of school and have time limits. This will be awfully hard for them. I will miss their antics, and our family meetings, and the way they always let me win. :)

But rather than look at the sadder points, I would like to elaborate on the positive possibilities. As it is, all four of them at once are quite a bit for me to handle. All four of them and their son (my stepson) are even more to handle. Though they are all such wonderful erm, boys, they tend to be a bit messy. Especially +, with his smoking and drinking habits ("I'm European, ma), he tends to get out of hand at times. Trying to clean up after him, then entertain four husbands, tends to get a little exhausting. So, though I will miss them all at some point, my workload will be less concentrated.

Though it would be nice to let the bob's be an exception, we have to remember all the times when we've complained about multisessioning jerkheads. Bob is good. Bob loves you. But the machines don't know that.

I definitely think, at the very least, some memorial should be erected, though bob is not dying, mind you. The bobs' story will live on for a long time. And, dear, or at least one of you, will you please let me back in the house now?

*sniff* So it is, that I turn my husbands' fates to you, Word. Use your best judgement, which is, by far, better than mine.

I am signing this petition with the hopes that you will see how much the bob's are loved, and offer us some comfort. I don't know what you can do, but you are superheroes in my mind.

(In perfect cursive) Nairda

"I have a magic toenail. I keep it on my foot..." Voldemar H. Guerta (aka Brak)

Nairda Speaks of the Old Days

I don't even remember how I discovered SissyFight, but I sure do remember my first game. I had read through all the FAQ and Strategy Guide stuff because I'm such a nerd, so I had some idea of what to do...(No embarrassing "I'm do you play?" for me...I'd been a newbie before in other games and didn't enjoy it one bit). I hadn't, however, studied and memorized the rankings board. In late February or early March, my first game must've been meant for someone else. I entered a room with Suzanne and Geena and BriAnn (all players in the top 20 at the time, I think I realized after discovering the rankings board and was in total awe). They were nice enough after kicking my ass, that I offered them some tea and crumpets, or was it pickles? Who knows.

Nairda wasn't a well-known personality for awhile until I think maybe May? It was after I asked Dr. Beef about my pickle problem that I think people started recognizing me on the playground as "You're that pickle girl, aren't you?" and then "Hey Pickle Girl!" and finally "I smell pickles...NAIRDA!" And who the hell knows when I revealed my llamaness? RQ's School Board was really my claim to fame, what with all the insane nonsense I posted. It almost makes me sad to go back there and see how much time I once had for Sissyland compared to how little I seem to have now. Damnit! Now I've gone and gotten all sentimental. STOOPED CHEETO RAMONDA!

Always cheetoing in style,
(Here we go...)
The world's most specialest little pickle-laying-balzout's-momma's-panties-wearin'-Tang-eatin'- Brak-lovin'-Carroll- recitin'- Milano-passin'-saxamophone- playin'-George-Hamilton-eatin'-finger- lickin'-good-female-bass- singin'-dancin'-24-fingered llama Sissyfighter!
Woo...I had to dig that one up and polish it off.

Remember Llama Tick? Who broked him? He was the world's first public sissy. I wouldn't be mad, but I am curious as to who made the decision to kidnap my dear little son. And where's his good-for-nothing other mommy been to? Luna, if you're out there, I still love you and just cuz I married a few bobs doesn't mean I still can't participate in high school experiments with you!

I remember the first time I noticed the bobs was during the beta test of the cower and boot features. Were you fellers around before that? Look at the influence they have had on sissy culture. Go bobs!

More memories to resurface,

"I have a magic toenail. I keep it on my foot..." Voldemar H. Guerta (aka Brak)
Spit and Bow! For I am the Queen of the Pink Llamas! Pink Llamas FOREVER!!!


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