The Sanitarium is no more

That's right, I decided to shut this site down. Now don't worry, it doesn't have anything to do with how much I like Metallica, because they are still my favorite band. The problem is that I hardly got any visitors, and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't get this site noticed during the 3 years it was up. It was doing ok at one time, it was in the top 10 of the Top 219 Metallica sites and doing well on the Encycmet top 100 or whatever it was. Then for some unknown reason my site got deleted off the Top 219 sites, and it disappeared off the Encymet thing. I tried to re-register on the Top 219 sites but it was never accepted. They're all dicks anyway. So now I have absolutely no reason to keep this site running. It is really big and there's no point of updating it every day when I get 10 visitors a month.

Don't worry, the whole site will still be here, but it just won't be updated. So you can still go in there and read shit or whatever.

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