In Memorial

The shawdow of the child



Not long ago, Confuzcius made a beautiful memorial to Nuriko. These pages were inspired by that, and the Nakago Fan Club is privileged to have some gifted writers as members. The poetry that accompanies these three pages of images as provided by Raistlin.

Thank you Kai Ling for providing the screen captures to make this possible. And the manga scans scattered between were provided by Kitty Kat.

For what could have been, Please Remember Me...

One Night, Before the Altar - by Raistlin

Take my heart.
What is it of mine,
this thing of stone?
this forgotten blossom
withered in its unfriendly tomb?
What need have I

for such a one--
this dying creature,
Whose anguised cries echo
unheard in the void?
What need for mirrors had
a face of ice?

What need for comfort
a child's cry?
Take this hungry creature
that it's endless needs may abate.
Its seed will not blossom here.

Exit Memorial

�1997,1998 Seimei
email me!!!

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