-------------------------------------------------- A Translation of Watase Yuu's comments about her drawing of Nakago in a Nazi uniform -------------------------------------------------- Translated from the Chinese manga by Kai Ling Ng Corrections from the Japanese manga by Tasuki no Miko * Comments in [] are Kai Ling's not Watase's * Comments in {} are Seimei's. * Comments in ++ are Tasuki no Miko's. [Here's the translation of Watase Yuu's comments on the page where she drew Nakago wearing the uniform of a Nazi. Beware that this is translated from the Chinese version of the manga and may not be completely accurate. However, to my knowledge, the Chinese translations are usually pretty close to the original Japanese version in most things. My translation here, however, is as accurate as I have ever translated anything.] ----- Vol.7 Pg 34 [Note: The comments are spread out on the page, some to the left of the drawing and some to the right. The sweatdrop may or may not be there... ^^; I think it's there but the layout in the chinese version, because it prints the text instead of writing them as Watase Yuu does, differs from the Japanese version so it's unclear what that sweatdrop means on the page. o.O If I made any sense at all...] --- One day, I had a dream, I dreamt of Nakago wearing the uniform of a Nazi. It really suited him! Why was gurasan to this in my dream? (sweatdrop)" +I don't know what "guransan" means though...^^;;;;;+ *sweatdrop* Black-colored clothes, so handsome, I like. *sweatdrop* But, please don't hate him! There are many people who say, "But he has a nice face." "Sadistic Nakago-sama." *sweatdrop* But, there are also others who have this opinion, "That sort of cool bearing, it's wonderful!" By the way, up till now, of all the characters in Fushigi Yuugi, the one I like most is him. As the author, why do I like all the baddie roles? Carrying a whip suits this guy. --- {i have always found this picture to be distrubing for what it initially seems to say (i cant read japanese, or chinese even to get the explanation for myself off the page so i only see the image). to draw a parallel between the purpetrators of genocide and the one who was genocided? such a connection is obscene to me. sick. but knowing what watase yuu said, that that was not her reason for making the picture - that helps. i will never like the picture, but i can understand a little that she drew it. i have to admit, that the edited version i have (nazi sybmol removed - by me) is very attractive. nakago looks very good in the black suit *drools*. and i understand that germany was allies with japan (another fact i admit i try not to think about but can never really escape) during that time. im sure that while i dont know since i havent asked, that the japanese people as a collective whole must feel remorse at least to a point for their involvement in that horror. it could explain some of the fascination they have with it. nazi uniforms nazi-styled uniforms are everywhere in anime. you can hardly see a series without them showing up somewhere. but when nazis are shown as themselves, they do seem to be shows as the enemy. which is a comforting thought for me. otherwise i could never justify my own enjoyment of anime.} {i think watase yuu meant the image to be both aesthetically pleasing (he DOES look good in it) and also thought-provoking. her dream must have been very thought provoking to her to motivate her to draw from it in the first place. and i see nothing in the manga, free talks, or anime that supports saying that the picture is a correlation between nakago himself and the nazis. if anything, i see much evidence from those things, and what watase yuu herself has said, and even the comments next to the image, that point to the contrary. i find it hard to believe that she would create a character formed out of an experience in mirror to the holocaust, that she would bother to make a point in the story how wrong that was, that she would bother to comment and point out that nakago is hurting and trying to avenge his people, that she would bother showing him as a person with compassion, and then that she would turn around and say oh look. nakago = hitler. that is.. very distrubing. that someone could conclude that is also very distrubing. perhaps she meant for people to be distrubed by it so they would think. maybe she didnt. maybe she just made the picture like she said because of the dream. because he looked nice in a black suit. -.- {what i see though, is kutou was so very like germany. a sick and perverse leader with complete power over the country. he hurt more than just the hin... his bad leadership and desire for "racial purity" hurt many and he desired war and conquering with and over neighboring nations who were not even threats or aggressors toward his own. he was power hungry and id say mentally missing a few important things. he had a perverted sense of what was right and morality. this nazi like regime of kutou was exactly what nakago himself infiltrated. for a time he did wear the garb or a nazi, he rose in the ranks to be a leader of nazis, and then, when he held a position from which he could move, he turned and destroyed the nazis from the inside. in this way, yes, i can see nakago in a nazi uniform. he certainly wasnt one of them, he hated them to the bottom of his soul, but he played the part so that he could destroy them.} -------------------------------------------------- Arigato Kai Ling and Tasuki no Miko! *shimmer*