The Nakago Fan Club ©97-00 & White Flower ~ A Fan Club For Soi
The Windblown Look.  

Site Updates

Isn't that sort of an oxymoron for this website? Site.. and update in the same sentence? o.0;

I must apologize in advance, that the updates you are seeing will be the last. I'm fixing the broken things and making it cleaner, but once those revisions are complete I will be "freezing" this site as I did with Cavern Of Genbu. It will become static.

10-29-00 FINALLY implemented the new design from the contest that was held. I think it looks much nicer. ^_^ Not all the pages have been converted yet though. Many miscellaneous cosmetic and functional changes have been done. I will be fixing the guestbook...


©97-00 Seimei. New Site Design Brought To You By The Contest Design Winner.

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