April's Stupid Site

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Buy Me Stuff
Well you found my Stupid site or else I forced you to come look at it most likely the latter I am sure. I have several websites all of them free to use.  If you want to help support them by feeding me or its my birthday or you love me and stuff go here to Buy Me Stuff. As you can see I really love coffee and cheese. Will code for cheese! oh yeah check out my page about dewds who give me death threats made a few games to go with it http://www.geocities.com/nakedapril00/booters.html~April

The truth is right here on everything about aliens

George W. Bush, he's a C average student, said "It's white" when asked what the White House was like, thought Tim Horton was canadas Prime Minister, likes coke a lil too much ..sniff..calls French fries Freedom fries even though they are Belgian, has two drunken daughters, and has trouble giving speeches. The world hates him and red necks love him...

I'm With Stupid

You know your Pain when.....

� You see red white and blue and automatically think of the American flag (although several countires have used those colors hundreds or years before us)
� When someone does't stand up for the pledge of alligence, you automatically take them off your potential friends list, even if they didn't stand because of their religion
� You use 9/11 as an excuse for EVERYTHING
� You use the word "terrorist" all the time
� When President George W Bush is on TV you MUST see it and everyone MUST be quiet so you can hear
� When ever you hear the pledge of alligence, even if your changing or eating you automaticaly drop everything and rise
� You lost your mind and money at stores who started selling American flags, GO USA t-shirts after 9/11. After all you HAD to show your support.
� On memorial day you don't celebrate with a barbecue like everybody else does, you watch specials on the people that fought for your country
� You automatically think anyone that's NOT from America sucks
� If it puts America or the president in question, you automatically DON'T believe it without even checking it out
� When you write a report on your hero, chances are it's an America president or General
� You prefer country over rock and roll
� It doesn't matter what the wars about, you trust it even if you don't know why it's happening...AMERICA CAN DO NO WRONG!
� You think anyone who's a liberal should be deported
� You walk around America thinking your invincible, YOUR COUNTRY WILL PROTECT YOU, you have no to reason to worry
� You constantly forget about the constitution stating "free speech" anyone who doesn't back America should be harassed
� You blindly follow and support the president not matter what
� You boo a liberal before they even say a word.

A more brutal description...

� Your largest word is "hippie" second biggest is "gun"
� Your an ignorant red necked sexist, homophobic, xenophobic shit
� Your fat & you wear base ball caps and wife beaters and your most popular English word is "y'all"
� You enjoy Americas Porn, graphicly violent movies and very American junk food....GO POTATO CHIPS!
� You have this insane grudge against indians
� You think every other country is rual, dirty and poor
� You like to shoot poor innocent animals that can't reason but can suffer...FOR FUN

� You think everyone is a socialist Canadian commie out to get you and all nations hate the USA

If this is you, I suggest you GET A LIFE

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