*updated March 15*
A Movable Feast by Suture
Suture takes an old standard -- Mulder and Scully have dinner -- and makes it come alive with warm and clever description.  Solid characterization that will leave a smile on your face.
Glimmering Girl by Tesla
An excellent casefile along with an exploration of Mulder's post-death experience of impending fatherhood.  The Eye loved the insight into Profiler!Mulder and the portrayal of Mulder and Scully's changing relationship.
False Memories by Zuffy
Oh, the Eye lives for these little gems.  It's a Mulder/Scully season 9 reunion of a sort, wtih deft dialogue and plenty of imagination.
Tellus Mater by OneMillionandNine
The Eye is back with a bunch of stories with lots of pizazz!  With real life running fairly smoothly these days, the Eye will attempt to update every other week.  Wish me luck!

And remember--if you like what you read, please send feedback!  It's the only way the authors know that you read their work, and it would mean so much to them to hear from you.
A wild, imaginative look into the future of Mulder, Scully and the Lone Gunmen.  Chock full of wonderful detail and vivid characterization. 
End of Winter by Emma Brightman
Mulder and Scully's relationship begins a spring thaw in this nifty little season 7 piece.  Quiet insight that stays with you after you're done reading.
Little Sister by d. LiNeAtE
Click HERE to view previously recommended stories.
d. LiNeAtE effectivly captures some of the X-Files' sense of mystery here, as Mulder receives a letter from somone who may or may not be his sister.  A thougtful rendering on how some losses stay with you forever.
Know of a story that you think the eyeball should see?  Please email me and let me know.
Timing is Nothing by Gina Rain
Not every Mulder/Scully intimacy goes through without a hitch.  Gina gives us a realistic look at Mulder and Scully's possible reservations when "that next step" doesn't go exactly as planned.
Fox Versus the Volcano by Livia Balaban
The Eye has a fondness for this movie, and thought Mulder and Scully might also enjoy it.  Funny and tender.
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