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The Group of 1971 General Certificate of  Education (Ordinary Level).

Dear Reader,
Having born all over Sri Lanka we united at Nalanda College in 1961 in HODIYA ( the Lower Kinder Garten, Mrs. Abeykoon was the class teacher and Mr. D C Balasooriya was the head Master). Our strength gradually increased as more and more students joined at various classes.
In the grade 8 we took different turns and went along Arts, Commerce & Science streams.
In 1971 we came across the first major hurdle of our lives - the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination and some got through to MScs and beyond, scattering again, some beyond Sri Lanka and as at today, a few beyond their life span too.
Sometime in 1998 all of a sudden, old friendship called for a re-union and hence the
"1971 (O.L) Group of Nalanda".

Sincerely yours...
THE '71 (O.L) Group,
Uploaded, on this day, 13th April, the Sinhalese New year Day, 2000 AD, for the information of the future generation.

This is cover page. | 1998 page...>

Try to identify these faces!!! If you recognise them and even if some of them are not from the same group tell them about this URL because the picture can be downloaded and saved to HDD by a right click from your mouse.

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