Here are some photos of growing pups from our previous litters...
From Saygon & Synamyn:
<---- Jett
Her owner keeps me updated on Jett every so often.  Jett LOVES camping.  (And she's VERY spoiled!)
This is Bella! She's a BEAUTY!
The dogs below are Nala & Taz's pups:

This is Curtis
. He's from our last litter in 2003.  (One of Taz and Nala's sons!)  He is 5 months old and 40  pounds in this photo.
Here's what Curtis's owner's have to say about him!

"Curtis is the best dog a person could have.  He is almost smarter than us!  He's the greatest!  He won't go to bed until the kids are in bed.  If they stay up too late, he wakes us up to "knark!"  Curtis is also doing 75-100 yard retrieves. He loves the water...he's just unbelievable!"

"Hi!  We are the proud owners of Charlie, the yellow lab we recently purchased from you. We just wanted to tell you how greatful we are to have him.  He truly is a SMART and wonderful dog.  He loves his new home and all of our friends and family.  He is getting bigger by the day and we can't wait to see how much bigger and more beautiful he'll get!  He has lots of energy!  Thank you so much for him.  He really is something special and we love him very much."
~Amber and Amanda
Meet Bucky!
He is also one of Nala & Taz's sons.
Meet JOE!  He lives in Sheboygan with a wonderful family.  He is from our most recent litter. He swims in the family pool and gets along great with his big poodle friend, Gracie.  What a gorgeous puppy!
From our 2002 litter.
This is Hunter.  She's from Nala's very first litter!
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