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NALC DRT Election Resolution

In some areas the DRP is working fine. In others it is not. Such inconsistency has it's roots in the lack of accountability by DRT members toward the members that they serve. So we find ourselves dependent upon the competence and integrity of any given DRT member. And if that member is lacking in either, well we have little recourse. Union officials have a duty of fair representation toward every member they serve. Every other union official is dependent upon re-election. This is the ultimate check and balance. If an officer fails to measure up then we vote them out of office. Currently our DRT members do not find themselves accountable to the membership. Many are far too friendly to management and need to be returned to their routes.

Please hit the PDF link below and read over the resolutions. If your Branch agrees with this concept then your president should sign it and send it to the address of the forms. And bring your votes to the 2008 National Convention.

To view the following PDF files: Get Acrobat reader

 DRT Election Resolutions.pdf 
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