Poems & Songs of A. R. Campbell <bgsound src= "YourEveryWord.mp3">

Follow the Wind
(For Wally)

All writing on this page is the property of A.R.Campbell. Do not use without permission. I can be contacted at [email protected]. Thanks.
There is a peace that comes every time that life brings change.
Sometimes it's as simple as the Wind after the rain.
As the dark clouds recede.
I find comfort in the breeze.
...in the breeze. Sign GuestbookView Guestbook
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The Wind surrounds you
As you sit alone in silent prayer.
He gently blows upon you
Just to let you know that He is there.
I know you're frightened by His call.
But when He holds you
You can never fall.

Here your journey begins.
You must follow the Wind.

The Wind has not changed
From His perfectly planned course.
I know for certain that you have heard
The Wind's gentle voice.
For as He first breathed life into me,
I know the Wind must blow through
Every tree.

And until we meet again.
You must follow the never changing Wind.

There is a peace that comes
Every time that life brings change.
Sometimes it's as simple
As the Wind
...after the rain.

(The Sunset Song)

You walked on water.
You defied the grave.
You took away my ugliness.
When you wiped my sin away.
You lived this same life.
You lived it better than I.
You became my Savior.
I just wish you didn't have to die.

Oh, my precious Jesus.
God, but man, just the same.
Was I really worth the price
You so unselfishly paid?
You became the darkness
Just to make the blind man see.
You gave up so much glory.
To save a wretch like me.

You are all that is Holy.
All that is good inside me.
You are the Light itself.
May You shine gloriously.
You fill me with music
That I've never heard before.
I'm so glad to call You Savior.
I just wish I could Love You more.

Oh my precious Jesus,
God, but man, just the same.
I could never be worth the price
You so unselfishly paid.
You became the darkness
Just to make the blind man see.
You gave up so much glory
To save a wretch like me.

You fulfilled all Your Glory...
...and saved a wretch like me.

(Oh, My God)

God of Grace
God of Mercy
Do not hold this sin against me
For I'm weak
And I fall
From my God.
God of Grace
God of Love
Won't You cleanse me from this sin I'm guilty of
For I'm cold.
I need Your Love

Oh, my God
Oh, my God
Oh, my God
Oh my God.

God of Grace
God of Peace
Won't You kill all this conflict in me?
Because I'm scared
Of the dark
Oh, my God.
God of Grace
God of Power
Won't You hold me in Your arms forever
For I'm cold
Need Your Love

Oh, my God
Oh, my God
Oh, my God
Oh my God

For I'm cold
I need Your Love

Oh my God

Beautiful Paradox

It's only in my folly hat Your wisdom is known.
It's only when I'm a child that I am fully grown.
It's when I become a slave that You set me free.
It's when I surrender that You give the victory!
I only find the truth when I stop caring if I'm right.
I only truly live when I lay down my life.

Beautiful Paradox,
You are, my Lord
For it's only in dying that I am reborn.
And because I am loved by One who's Holy.
While I was still a sinner You gave Your life for me,
Beautiful Paradox.

I only find answers when I learn to be still.
It's only when I'm empty that You come and fill.
It's when I let go that You give me control.
It's when I'm satisfied that You give me more!
When I let go of emotion, You make me feel.
And only in my weakness is Your strength in me real!

Beautiful Paradox
You are, My Lord
For it's only in dying that I am reborn.
And because I am loved by One who's Holy.
While I was still a sinner You gave Your life...
Beautiful Paradox!

The impossible is possible for You.
The impossible is possible for You.
The impossible is possible for You.
You fulfilled the Old by creating the New.

Beautiful Paradox
You are, My Lord
For it's only in dying that I am reborn.
And because I am loved by One HOLY.
While I was still a sinner You gave Your life
For me.
Beautiful Paradox.

Your Every Word

Countless watercolor paintings line Your refrigerator door.
For in Your eyes our worthless praises mean something more.
I've made all of Peter's promises and denied you just the same.
But You still see something in me for Your Love took my blame.

You gave me ears to hear
But I have not heard.
You perfectly pursue me
When I should be the one
Who hangs off Your every Word.

Countless gifts You have given me; I've hid them all in the ground.
Through Your shoutings and Your whispers Lord I haven't heard a sound.
I'm no more than Gomer; I don't know what Love really means.
But You gave all You had just so that I could be redeemed.

You gave me eyes to see
But my vision is blurred
You perfectly pursue me
When I should be the one
Who hangs off Your every Word.

Now we see but a poor reflection.
Oh but then
We shall see face to face

You gave me a heart to love
But my own sin has disturbed
You pursue me perfecly.
Lord let me
Hang off Your every Word.

Your Perfection

Now if I said I loved You, what would my words mean to You?
And if I claimed devotion, how could Your eyes not see through?
You see me as I am, this vapor, ever fading, right before Your eyes.
You see me as a fool, who can never understand, the Truth of the Divine.

I am in such a sorry sorry state.
How could Your Holiness still Love me?
I am such a helpless hopeless cause.
How could Your Grace still move me?
How simple and how great...is Your perfection?

If I were to give all I had, I could never quite repay you.
Oh, if I really were the saint I claim to be, You'd still divide the Truth.
You see me as I am, a wretch, always falling, in need of Your Hand.
You see me as a doubter, windtossed, unstable, will I ever understand?

You are such a righteous, Holy God.
How could your Faith still hold me?
You are beyond my comprehension.
How could Your Love still pursue me?
How simple and how great...is Your perfection.


The broken toy dances no more
Her music box no longer plays
So when the lid opens she just stares back
Dreaming of faraway days.
She once could dance on butterfly wings
To a tune more glorious than gold
But she was as frail as a flower
And her music has grown too old.

Morning Hunger

Morning Hunger
Burn away my soul.
I am not awake
But to fear and cold.
Passings of my time
Kill me even more.
I am still afraid of
All the things I was before.
Morning Hunger
Take it all away.
Wash me in the fullness
Of another wasted day.
My moment will come,
But the time is not at hand.
Morning Hunger,
Help me understand.

Nature's Hymn

Deepest Ocean
Always flow.
Keep me afloat
As I go.
Don't withhold Your
Waves of Grace
As I drift to
Seek Your face.

Purest Garden
Always grow.
Keep me shaded
As I go.
Don't withhold Your
Blooms of Love
As I rest in
Arms above.

Sweetest Current
Always blow.
Keep me grounded
As I go.
Don't withhold Your
Breath of Life
As I fly o'er
All my strife.

Brightest Sunlight
Always glow!
Keep me near You
As I go.
Don't withhold Your
Rays of Light
As I walk through
Darkest night.

And in the midst of
My despair
Lord You are my
True Hope and Prayer.


I asked the Wind, "Where are you blowing?"
"That's not for you to know," said He.
And, "Water," I asked, "where are you flowing?"
"I flow where I will flow," said She.
I asked the Fire, "Why do you burn?"
He replied, "I burn because I can."
I asked myself, "What have you learned?"
"There are things I can't yet understand."


Such a cold and lonely grayness
Fills the sky right next to
Cotton white puffed heaven
And the truest shade of blue.
Into the deep horizon
You satisfy my needs.
While the blue is my Joy
On the gray sometimes I feed.
But the comfort in the white,
The purity, the peace,
Is the one forever factor
That makes the sky complete.

Five Foot Three

Some people think
That five foot three
Is a horribly short
Height to be.
Some complain and gripe
They groan more and more
So wishing they could be
A lofty five foot four.
Some pine and sigh
Wish to no longer be alive!
Only because they're not
A glorious five foot five.
But I know there's nothing
That I can really do.
So I'll just be glad
That I'm not five foot two.


A single streetlamp flickers
In the silent predawn air
And I am amazed by Love
That comes from nowhere.
You whisper out my name
In the breath of a breeze.
I feel You and I know You.
And You are all I need.
But in the darkness of night
I oft forget Whose I am.
I drift away--I fall away
From You, Your perfect plan.
And as that street lamp flickers
I breathe out a simple prayer.
I'm still amazed by Love
That comes from everywhere.

A Closed-Minded Atheist

I kinda miss
Playing on a jungle gym.
When the world is small
I can rule it all.
I kinda miss
Running in the springtime air.
When there are no rules
I can keep them all.
There's no one else here.
Just me and all the other little fools.
There's no one else here.
Just me and that's all that matters.
I don't really miss
Being a part of something more
For there is no truth...


I want to be something more.
But I don't know what that is.
I'm tired of being all alone.
When I'm surrounded by friends.
I feel like I'm encompassed
By three walls and a pane of glass.
I can see through but not get out.
And the feeling refuses to pass.
The sky is dark and foreboding.
But it has a sort of beckoning glow.
Perhaps that's where my Home is.
Perhaps I'll never really know.
I'll stay here in this dark place,
Here away from all that glistens.
I'm tired of waiting for the answer--
Tired of putting myself in this position.
Can I be something more?
Is there anything else I could be?
I'm here all alone, still alone.
And no one wants to be me.


It blows with it's reason.
It blows with it's rhyme.
It has been blowing
Since before Time.
It flows within me
It is inside me.
And I know it's there,
Even though I can't see.
I can't see
The Wind.


Hair smelling of new
Skin smelling of soft
Eyes sparkling with curiosity
Heart beating with love.
Eyes clapping for play
Feet dancing for joy
Ears listening with curiosity
Heart beating with love.
Mouth speaking to hear
Arms waving to explore
Heart beating with curiosity
Heart beating with love.

Being Alone

Being alone is like being a flower
That nobody wants to pick
Some stand back and admire
And their gazes make me sick.
Nobody really cares
It's just something that they do.
Being alone is like being a flower
That hasn't fully bloomed.

Being alone is like being a sunset
Which no one has ever seen.
Some think they know the colors
But they haven't quite got the scheme.
Nobody really knows
It's just something that they feel.
Being alone is like being a sunset
That nobody knows is real.

Being alone is like being an echo
That is only faintly heard.
Some can only hear a syllable
Of your last shouted word.
Nobody really matters
It's just something I desire.
Being alone is like being an echo
That's too silent to inspire.


If there was any point,
I might still cling.
But I don't.
It clings to me.


They cut down the olive tree
To make tools and weapons for war.
No cry did it utter as it's fragile trunk snapped
Under the pressure of the axe.
It fell silently, almost a dead sound...
...and was dragged away.

Joy VS. Happiness

I say I'm happy
But no one believes me.
They believe I'm lying
Or that I'm just too blind to see
That I need an education
A professional degree.
I need to worry about my future
To truly be happy.
I'll also need a job
That pays more than minimum wage.
See that's what it takes to be happy
Here in this day and age.
And, of course, I'll need money--
Lots of bright and shiny things.
For without material possessions
One can never be happy.
I'll need to go to parties
And make sophisticated new friends.
All my current friends are boring...
I'm not happy--why pretend?
I'll also need a boyfriend
A husband or fiance
Everyone knows that single people
Can never be happy.
And then I'll need to lose weight,
For I'm not exactly thin.
And only skinny people
Are happy in the end.
Well no, I don't have any
Of the things that make one happy.
Maybe you're right, maybe I'm not.
But that doesn't bother me.
Because happiness is fleeting
Found in temporary things.
But you'll never take away the Joy
That causes my heart to sing!
You can have your happiness
But Joy is permanent and true.
You look at the things I don't have.
I look at the things I do.


Death is a flower'
Golden and delicate.
It's pure and light
And glorious to behold.
Death is like a song
Sweet and true and good.
It flows through the air
Ever so gently.
Death is like springtime
Where all is made new,
And it whispers softly--
Fresh and radiant.
There is pain, there is,
And fear, naturally,
But to be reborn
One must die.
Death, come to me.

Silver Heart

I wear a heart on a silver chain--
Laced, delicate, like a doily--
A doily knit by some old woman--
She's dead now--
Her lips pursed in death slumber--
A silver heart on a silver chain--
It graces her withered neck--
As my youthful neck is graced--
It's only a matter of time now--
How it tarnishes.

Ode to a Writing Utensil

You make lines
You make squiggles
You make pictures
You make words.
You come in ink
You come in crayon
You come in graphite
You come in charcoal
You are black
You are blue
You are red
You are grey
You express
You explore
You create
You live.

The Reason

The Artist chisels and sees the shape He will form
Before the first rock is chipped away.
My God who causes the sunrise and set
Sees the beauty in every new day.

Help me rise with the sun and sing Your praises.
Help me know You are the Maker of all things.
And as the sun sets help me look to Your sky.
Let me know You are the Reason that I sing.

The Carpenter builds until His work is done
Never ceasing till He's created something new.
And You aren't finished with my heart You have made.
You won't finish until it looks just like You.

Help me work with the hands You have made me.
Help me praise You with the gifts You've given.
And as You complete me help me keep in mind
You're my Reason when hope is at an end.

Beautiful Savior who gives me life
Wonderful Counselor who gives me light
Forever Friend who gives me sight
Guide me on. Guide me on.

Help me rise with the sun and sing Your praises.
For You Lord are the Maker of all things!
And as the sun sets let me praise You again
For You are the Reason that I sing.


My mind fights the battle
My heart feels the wounds
Of my body's transgression--
My whole self is consumed.
Too foolish to be silent
My tongue offers two songs.
But in the cold darkness
All the harmonies are wrong.

What is this drug?
What is this need?
God, why don't You stop me?
Why won't you intercede?
What is this anger?
What is this release?
I seem so healthy, Lord.
Only You know my disease.

My song has grown unstable
As I lose all control
Nothing fills the darkness
That devours my soul.
Too angry to turn away
The urge grows too deep.
My heart feels so numb, now
I've forgotten how to weep.

What is this pain?
What is this doubt?
No one can understand.
For no one can find out.
What is this burning?
What is this despair?
Guilty and ashamed, Lord,
I can't even breathe out a prayer.

But You peel away the hurt.
You burn away the pride.
You show me in my darkness
Your love is still inside.
You wait for me to come.
And then You kiss my sores.
The emptiness is filled.
When I claim You as

Where are You?

I see faces in the ceilng
They remind me of you.
I sense smoke on the water
That I long to pursue.
I throw myself to the dogs
Of fear and anxiety.
No one can know my heart...
Where are you?
I hear voices in the Wind
They are calling to me.
I hear your name, too...
But I know you'll never see.
I scream in the silence of my mind
And pray that someone will hear.
No one knows my heart...
Where are you?
I'm going insane.
I turn out the lights
And listen to the rain.
Oh, no one knows my heart...
Where are you?


White cresent Moon
Up in the sky
Only a fraction
Of You do I see.
Bright shadowed Moon
You are so high
Higher than I could ever
Hope to be.
Do You ever wonder
Why You love me?
The one who only loves herself?
I'm sitting here amazed
Astounded by Your Grace.
Only a fraction
Do I see.


When Wind whispers
Radiant hopes
There is a calmness there.
When mountains move
All by themselves
There is a Power there.

I silently sing
Solos to my Savior
And ever gently,
He sings them back to me.

When trees talk
Without a sound
There is a joyfulness there.
When clouds collide
In my heart
There is a true Love there.

I silently sing
Solos to my Savior
And ever gently,
He sings them back to me.

Oh Rider of the Wind and the Clouds
You began this Song in me
Though the verses sometimes change
Never will the melody.
And I will silently sing
Always with you my King.

I silently sing
Solos to my Savior
For even before Time began
You were singing to me.

Cloud of Comfort

Oh the clouds cover me like a blanket
They protrude through the air, heavenly
So close I can touch, I reach out to them
Oh, are they real? How can they be?

Cover me, Cover me.
Everlasting Peace.
Cover me, Cover me.
Cloud of Comfort
Blessed be.

Oh the clouds wisp clear through the sky
Rainbows of sunsets echo throughout.
So far away, I reach out to them.
And You see through my doubt.

Cover me, Cover me.
Everlasting Peace.
Cover me, Cover me.
Cloud of Comfort
Blessed be.

Cover me, Cover me.
Set me free!
Cover me, Cover me
Cloud of Comfort
Blessed be.

Cloud of Comfort
Blessed be.


Tears on a window
Flow into night.
No brightness within them,
No beauty, no light.
Take your arms away.
There's no comfort there at all.
I sleep in the dew
And then the rain falls.
I pray for the morning
He answers my call.
I become new. I become new.
Radiant whispers--
Inside my soul.
My heart beats with them.
I seem to know
That morning comes
If I just wait.
Whispers are trumpets
Inside certain gates.
But I'm hungry again
Fill me, fill me!
Don't let me sleep.
Tomorrow is coming
Though the night is deep.
Snow is soft
But when it grows harsh
It still bears a light
To keep out the dark.
I belong now. Belong.
Dreams are playful.
They fade with the dawn.
The newness surrounds me,
So I just keep on.
My hand is cold
But it cannot grow numb.
Wherever I go
I have someone.
Someone. Someone.


Sometimes I get a little selfish
And I hold out my hands to the skies
There's no whisper in my ear
And I find myself wondering why.
There's only silence in the middle
Of the sin I love to run to
But it hurts less than the silence
I find when I seek You.
I know you're there
I know you care
But why can't I hear you?
The morning seems so far away
And the nights are longer still
Mist is covering the mountains
So help me look to the Hills.

Sometimes I get a little angry
Because I can't understand my soul
And I don't know what to do
For all I feel is cold
There's only darkness in the middle
Of the fear that keeps me awake
And I wonder if you're wondering
When my foolish will, will break.
I know you're above me
I know you do love me
So why do I resist you?
The morning seems so far away
The nights are longer still
Mist is covering the mountains
So help me look to the hills.

I drown myself so many times
In this shallow pool of sin
It seems so deep to me, Lord
Until you reach in�
Reach in again�

The morning seems so far away
The nights are longer still
Mist is covering the mountains
So help me look to the hills

You have always loved me
I know you love me still
Help me look to the hills.

How Long?

How long, oh Lord?
How long oh Lord?
How long, oh Lord
Will you keep me in the flame?
I�m trying to keep still
As You burn my dross away.
How long, oh how long,
Oh Lord?

How long, oh Lord?
How long, oh Lord?
How long, oh Lord
Will you keep me in this flesh?
I�m doing what I can
To live in daily death.
How long, oh how long,
Oh Lord?

How long, oh Lord?
How long, oh Lord?
How long, oh Lord
Till you come back to claim me?
Hoping, waiting for you
When this world is all I see
How long, oh how long
Oh Lord?

You're Not Alone

I'm not looking for a saviour in you.
And I'm no longer looking to rescue.
But just to see the passion diming in your eyes...
It's more than I can bear...

I'm not looking for a shoulder to cry on
I'm not trying to be a face to gaze upon.
But just to see how much God loves you...
It's more than I can say...

You are my friend
And I'm singing a song to you
Because I don't know what else to do.
I'm your friend too
Imperfect as I am
You're not alone.
You're not alone.
I love you.

You're not afraid of shadows in the night
But sometimes we're afraid of coming to the light.
But just to see those shadows eat you alive
Is there nothing I can do?

I see the joy that fills up your soul
And I see the love that consumes you whole.
And I still know God loves you so...
It's more than I can understand.

You are my friend
And I'm singing a song to you
Because I don't know what else to do.
I'm your friend too
Imperfect as I am
You're not alone.
You're not alone.
I love you.

The Lord Your God is with you
He is mighty to save
He delights in you
He quiets you with His love.
He sings over you in joy.
And I lift my voice, too.

You're not alone.


Some silence only comes at night
When thoughts will not be captive;
Even if they were captured
They would rebel against me
Refusing obedience to the One.
So all I can do is cry out
To the One...
After I just hurt Him...

Some noise only comes at night
When my mind cannot break free
From the shackels of the world.
I hear my old master laugh.
And it�s all I can do to remember
That I am forever redeemed.
By the One...
After I just hurt Him...

Some dreams only come in day
When I�m in the arms of Love
Where flesh can�t bind anymore,
Where praise isn�t polluted,
Where the One I have hurt so many times
Extends eternal grace to me.
He�s the One...
After all I�ve done...
He loves...


Hard to Understand

This cup I've been given
Tastes bitter to me,
But what I am drinking
Might bring You victory.
My time was never mine
But I can't realize--
How to fight the fight
How to win the prize.

Lord, I've been thinking
And it doesn't make sense to me
Why some are taken captive
While others are set free.
It's so hard to understand.
Maybe I'm not meant to�

This song I am singing
Doesn't sound sweet to me,
But the notes You write
Create subtle harmonies.
This life I am living
Is sometimes hard to face.
And I keep running in circles
Trying to win this race.

Lord, I've been thinking
And it doesn't make sense to me
Why some lame could never walk
And some blind will never see.
It's so hard to understand--
Maybe I'm not meant to.

They say life isn't fair
But, Lord, You are Just.
You laid down Your life�
I know I also must�

Lord, I've been thinking
And it doesn't make sense to me
Why You, the Most High God
Would come to die upon a tree�
Yeah, Lord I've been thinking
And it doesn't make sense to me
Why after all I've done
You'd choose to die for me...
It's so hard to understand--
Maybe I'm not meant to.

Your Love is hard to understand.

I'm not meant to understand. Check back soon. I add more poems every so often. Please sign my guestbook and tell me what you think (be honest, I can take it. In fact, I probably am harder on myself than anyone else would ever be). The link to the guestbook is near the top of the page.

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