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Conversation Pieces
At a breezy outdoor cafe, we'll meet Gillian for coffee .
We'll sit, we'll talk, and we'll tell her.....

Genuine Star

Genuine stars are hard to find
for there are lots of those who aren't.
In their thoughts and in their minds,
they wanted to be whom they weren't.
Loosing their own beliefs and identities
are what people pay for stardom.
Like most of the actresses in different cities,
who've chosen their new personalities at random.
It was indeed admiring to know that someone
can be honest and open about her feelings.
And do not let herself be affected just to be loved by everyone,
for she acts the way she wanted and in how she feels.
No one else can compare to this very open lady
who shares her good and bad experience
that inspire us in our journey from day to day,
which we will surely treasure in our heart-shaped chests!


On some magic November hour 
Two life breaths met along the way… 
They didn’t speak, they just embraced 
And brought to life the beautiful face 
That, through existence’s greatest and most amazing miracle, 
Came to be on August’s 9th day. 

Yet to know what she’d become, 
The little baby just kept on growing… 
She grew faster everyday, 
Making choices along the way, 
Paths that, wrong or right, in every day or night, 
Made her a star, bright in the sky, forever glowing… 

The little baby is now a woman…
And her stardom warms our hearts, 
For, besides a star, she’s a human being, 
Giving sense to the "human" meaning, 
That shines a light and spreads love 
Among the world’s nearest or remotest parts… 

Through her wise words and great works 
I realized what really and truly means, 
Even against defeating and diminishing words, 
To fight for every single one of our beliefs and dreams. 

She gave me insight to understand 
What the true meaning of life is… 
And with all that she’s accomplished 
What I came to see was this: 

To live is to be happy 
And to be happy is to be free… 
Thank you Gillian, for now I know, 
Careless of where I go, 
That, in order to live and therefore to be happy and free, 
All I have to do is to be ME… 

Happy Birthday Gillie,

You've been there for us more than you know,
You've been an inspiration, a guide and a friend when spirits were low,
On your Birthday and always, may all your dreams come true,
Just Remember the world will be there to make the journey with you,
Don't get overwhelmed and afraid although I know you will,
You are who you are and the world Loves you still.
Have a wonderful Birthday Gillian.

If I'd Had a Daughter

If I'd had a daughter, 
I'd want her to be,
just like you, Gillian Leigh.
She'd have you laugh, giggle,
and smile. 
And love all the worlds' people
with her wonderful guile.
She'd be 5/2 or 3, have dark
hair so bright.
Eyes that sparkle in blue or green.
When little she'd be a tomboy to boot,
Love to play ball and beat all the boys
Ride her bicycle and make lots of noise.
She'd have fun with the girl scouts,
love music too, read lots of books, and
play with siblings, ever so kind.
Attend Sunday school and learn about God.
Sing in the choir and teach Sunday school.

But alas I had two wonderful sons,
who love to play sports, travel, and
Read. Swim like fishes and play with sports cards.
Now both are married to wonderful girls
so I do have daughters but not liked I'd planned.
Charles is the oldest 38 in 2 months,
a character for sure, he is married to 
Ikuyo who is from Japan.
Mike is 35, a marvelous musician, plays 
guitars and such, married to Glory
who comes from the Philippines.
You are soon 34, and I'm 63, so I could be 
your mum, and than I'd have 3.

Perhaps because I had sons is why I love
you. Following your career had brought me
great joy. I can hardly wait to see
your next performance, a thrill to be sure.

So Gillian my love, if you need an extra
mum, I'm her to be had, and than I could
have Piper for a grandchild so dear
What a joy she must be to you and your
kin. Children are the most precious of
all we possess.

I wish you and Piper all the best in your 
life, the world is so lucky to have you
both here. Giving love and understanding
to all those in need.

So now you understand why I picked you to 
be, that daughter I didn't have.
Maybe with luck we can become friends
through the mail. I'd write you letters
and you could e-mail.

I wish you and Piper all the best with 
your lives. Continue to serve all
those in need, whom you love and 

The world is much better because of you two.
So now you can see why I chose you to
be, the daughter, that I didn't have.
Gillian Leigh.

Thank You

I hid behind a thousand masks,
Cared what people thought.
Everyday was a struggle;
My feelings were distraught.

Parents just ignored me;
Friends thought I was weird.
Always went on wishing,
Wishing I was revered.

When the worst of it came around,
That one person I thought of was you.
You got me through that tough time,
When I didn't know what to do.

I just wanted to take a moment,
A moment left in time;
I wanted to say thank-you,
that's how I'll end this rhyme.


It was all so sudden,
I was sitting alone,
It was dark,
I felt empty,
The boredom of television,
Becoming a cloud in front of me,
Blinding the imagination.

Time was of no essence,
I waited for a reaction,
Something to take my mind away,
I pressed the cold, black button,
That lay at my fingertips,
My imagination unfolded,
My heart skipped.

The nail biting moments,
Made my heart gallop,
Like a horse in the wild,
The roller coaster of emotions,
Made my adrenaline race,
The determination,
Made me stronger.

My mind became enthralled,
Who was she?
Could she be my key?
The chance to see my future,
To be powerful,
To be successful.

I understand them,
We share the same thoughts,
They share the same love,
Giving credit and care
To her,
I’m not alone,
I can see.

Thank you for being
The key,
To all things,
Strength, leadership, happiness,
Everything happens,
For reason,
I am now,
Returning the reason,
The reason of why I am now me.

In Spirit

An end of sorts is here, to mark
the passage of this time 
that soul touched soul these last few years
is purpose to my rhyme.

A force of nature you have been,
a smile to light my face,
a fire to chase away the dark 
a heart of warm embrace.

Would God not feel the way this feels,
a heart that's glad with tears
a reddened band of silken chords 
has circled my last years.

And now that it is time to go,
to head towards worlds unknown,
I leave with courage as my guide, 
the same as you have shown.

My thanks go up to skies above,
my heart is free and clear,
in part because of you, your smile,
and what you've given here.

No jewels deep or pots of gold,
no thing to call my own,
just lessons taught and lessons learned,
just ways that I have grown.

That just one soul can make such change
is very plain to see
because of the many things you've done
for all my friends and me.

You've helped us up, you've raised the bar
your laugh has carried through
so as the years will pass away
we will remember you.

And as for me, while I'm around,
you'll always have my care,
a few pics of you on the walls
will still be here and there.

I think somewhere in my heart
God made a shelf for you,
so even old and rocking in my chair,
until my time is thru,
I'll keep your laughter by my side
and send good thoughts to you.

And when you're sixty, sculpting clay,
dog resting at your feet,
in a garden far away from all
midst peace and flowers sweet,

Know then that how you work your clay
is how you shaped our hearts
how wisely you put hand to us
and helped us mold new parts.

So goodbye for now, peace be with you,
may God bless and bestow,
may everything you do and say
continue in a flow

from heart to heart, from soul to soul.
You're felt so very deep
May you know love, may you know joy,
may you always reap
the kindness you have sown in us
in return, to keep.

In Flesh

For quite a while I'd lived and loved
thought I'd felt all there was to feel
but then along came a girly girl
with heart, with strength of steel.

A study in contrasts,
dark revealed by light, you were
both male and female,
both black and white.

I'd never quite seen it all in one,
such beauty with such fire,
and as I pondered what this meant
I realized I'd tired

of what I'd felt, of what I'd been.
There was much more to be known
than what I was before I saw
your smile, before I'd grown.

Suddenly there was in me
a hunger to feel more,
to break the bounds of where I'd been,
to go beyond the shore.

I'd loved, been loved, had done it all,
thought I'd given all I could
but all at once I realized 
if I could give more, I would.

And then the bonds that held me tight
began to loose, unfurl.
The colors that my love had been
turned bolder, straight to curl.

I crossed a threshold I'd not seen
and found on the other side
a me I'd known only in my dreams
and joy that would abide.

My kiss turned slow, my touch surreal
my heart deep as the sea
and every moment became perfect 
of itself and me.

And now I know a depth anew
I've found what I was missing
as if all this time I thought I'd loved
but I was merely kissing.

So now how do I go about
saying thanks for all of that?
For teaching me about my self
and helping me to bat?

I certainly can't go up and say,
"Hey Gillian, guess what you've done.
You've given me my sex!" The guards
Would have me on the run.

So here's this poem to say quite clear
now I'm the woman I was meant to be,
and there are not words of thanks enough
for all you've helped me see.

There's only one Gillian, 
not nearly enough to go around,
but you've taught me what to look for
and how to stand my ground

How to be both yin and yang
and how to feel when I do
meet the someone of my dreams
even when she's not you. ;)

Thank you, Gillian. :)

An Angel of Hope

The fire that still burned in my heart
slowly begins to flicker and fade.
Too far to give up now, yet the nagging
voice of failure tells me I have lost.
Maybe everything doesn't happen for a reason 
and I have lost my will to go on.


There she stood among her fellow male actor,
red hair radiating and eyes of an icy blue.
Delivering her lines and creating an atmosphere
of strength and hope.
I was stricken.
Following her for years and growing up with her 
wisdom and knowledge that you must continue 
your life as if every day is your last. 
I would learn that my pain, and anyone else's pain,
doesn't go away by itself,
it hovers until you reach inside yourself and find the
strength to go on
Thank you Gillian for helping me beat anorexia.
You could never know how important you are to me.
I love you.

Gillian Eyes

Just in your eyes..... 
A thousand stars' light....  
Just in your eyes.....  
Beautiful Star,  
If we could see inside of its heart  
We would see the purity of somebody that is so beautiful….
It possesses such a pretty soul.... so pure..... so....   
Through its eyes.....  
We can see purity....  
Through its eyes...  
Beautiful Star,  
If we could understand the complicated, even so magnificent  
Intelligence of God when deciding to create,  
Something so beautiful, something so pure,  
that makes us to want to cry.  
In its eyes....  
Us in the find.....  
In its eyes...  
Beautiful Star,  
If we could have a drop of its compassion,  
The world would be more perfect, with reason.  
Because, just with people like you the world is capable of still...  
To dream.  
They are your eyes...  
A thousand stars' light.  
They are your eyes.

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