Namanu's Website
Download forms, see pictures, and more...

back to the main welcome page

Cue Cards
read the cue cards you'll find at each station

The Hike
how to fill the void constructively

All the words found in Uncle Toby's

Commonly made mistakes and mistaught information

Incredible animal inquiries and their answers

Rubric for Field Study
See what this evaluation business is all about

what the students do on Friday

Songs for Field Study
Musical mealtime announcements

Animals Teams
find a picture of your week

see Student Leaders by graduating class

Photo Gallery
Random Pictures I don't have another place for yet

Animals at the Nam
about your field instructor

Lafcadio's Friends
the nerd hall of fame

Zombie Apocalypse Action Plan
where to go and what to do when the undead rise

Site Map
Links to every page on this site

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Welcome to the
Namanu Animals Field Study
Student Leader Resource Center

What's New? As of 11/21/08 - !!! NEW NAM*AN*IMALS WEBSITE !!! - The old one still has more on it at this point, but the NEW one is being updated daily - Check it out!

Here you will find copies of cue cards, tips on how to teach each station, some photographs of past Animals Student Leader Teams, and more. I expect this site to be under construction for a while, so please be patient.

Other than the links that don't yet work, am I missing anything? Tell me what you'd like to see on this site and I'll see what I can do. On that note, if one of the not-yet-working links is something you're dying to see, tell me and I'll make that one a priority.

"How can I tell you?" you ask? Like this: [email protected].

Or this:



Comments, Questions, Suggestions, Dumb Animal Jokes:

This site was created while using Firefox, so that's where it looks best. Next best is Safari, Explorer does strange things to the formatting so it doesn't look so good... I don't have any other browsers on my computer...
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