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   Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in the town of Salzburg, Austria on January 27, 1756. By the time Mozart was 5 he had already been able to write short music pieces.  His father Leopold Mozart taght him some of the most valued things he would learn, like harmony and compitisions. He and his sister, Maria Anna, were taken on a tour later in their lives to the Imperial Court in Vienia. There they would play for the Emperor.  The touring didn't stop there either. When Wolfgang was eight, he toured to alot of countries including England and France. In the same year he wrote his first symphony!!!!
    He wrote 2 more smyphonies later in between the years of 1767 & 1769 in Vienia!
     Also in 1769, Leopold took his son to where he studied opera in Italy.  Mozart barely got paid where he worked. So in 1773 he and his father set out to go to Vienna to find a job that made more money.  They were not successful in finding a new job or getting more money.  After failing to get a job in Vienna, Mozart set off for Germany and France to see if he could make more money. Wolfgang found not a single job. So, he moved back to Vienna. Sadly, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died in 1791, to a illness. It rained that day and no one hent to his funeral. So that means that not a single soul knows where he is.

"I declare to you on my honor that he is the greatest composer who ever lived'

Joseph Hayden
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