Searching For an Appropriate Name for Your Child-Go Ahead Your Search Ends Here

Whenever people are expecting a baby in their family, it is a natural tendency that even before the baby arrives, parents and relatives start various preparations for their 'little one'. In these so-called preparations for the unborn, the top-most preparation is the decision of 'Name-Search'. Yes, here we are coming up with the collection of names for people of all the cultures to search a name for their baby girl or baby boy.


Girl Names
Looking for a delightful name for a baby girl? Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian Girl Names. Meanings have also been provided to assist you in the selection.
Girl Names

Boy Names
Looking for a cool name for a baby boy? Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian Boy Names. Meanings have also been provided to assist you in the selection.

Boy Names


If you have come across a nice name which is not in our database, please submit it to us by CLICK HERE.



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