NEWS - *Comics updated 20SEP*
20SEP -







19SEP -


13SEP -
Episode #47 doubles as a disclaimer!!! This is a yiff-free vector, corporal!! i dont want the bad influences to ruin poor children visitors this is a kid-safe site ok!? ((questionable acronym usage notwisthanding ) place youre thumbprints here to proceed:     /         \
X      )
                  \         / 

Please ignore the fact that my updates on this internet webpage site do not list the year. OK!! Onto the news! OK!?
Today I finaelly got a fan comic now I must make more comics so I can stop when I get to the point where I need another new fancomic to continue the legacy of time. The power is you're's! People! 

Check out the
LINKS paeg for AWESOMNESS!!!!!1 Seriouesly

Episoed #38 is too very scarry for small childrens.
Parental discretin is advised! Also it destorys my sights bandwith and shuts it down for a while. (because it is full of scarey things that the internet can not handel LOL) Anyways instead of direct hypernetlinkweb URL linking (for the link) to the page, you wil have to manuelly input it into the browser adress bar. Sory for the inconveincence. ALSO this comic wil no longer contienu til I get a new fan comic (D-tales bellow)

Well, it's been almost a year since i updated can yuo beleve it?!?!? lol anyway their's a bunch of new comics including a new fan comic. ^_^ SPEAKING OF WITCH,
I need a new fan comic! PLEASE SEND ME ONE OK? Please be sure that you are using the OFFISHAL FAN COMIC TEMPLAET and remember to put your signatuer over the word "TEMPLATE". The magical font I use can be found HEAR. Taht is all. Oh wait theres more. I also am starting a FANART SECTION since I've recieved TWO MANY bits of fanart from all you millions of people who like my show. OK dismissed private!!!

Sorrey for the lack of updates. I was sick with the flu like symptoms. I'm still kinda sick I think. You don't need to send me floewrs thouh LOL.

TEh first fan comec was a sucsess!!

I'm also announcing that Im making a fan comic contest! Each week you the fans can make a comic for my site! the best 1 will be pickd and postedin the archives as a episode! heres the templaet, be sure to delete template and replace it with yuor name! also save it as a jpeg!!! Here is the font to ues.

H!ello today I maked the websiet. It is not workeing good because it will be done on the 19th, yay!! All questions, comments, or (non-cod)bugs are going to be reported to [email protected] I will try to update teh comic dayley (or weekly).

IT HAS BEGAN!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!11 *thunderclap*
Happy birthday to Potatofish adn Codbug!!
Babys smell funny, they don't. Well Potatofish kinda does... OMG HE'S A FISH! Codbug smell liek dirt LOL. (most bugs do I think)
             people haev visited teh site tihs month!! THEY ARE ALL COOL PEOEPL!!!!
PLease sine the gestbock!!1

NEW! Click here to check out wat fans are drawing!1
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