Name Maker
Hey!  I was surfing around the internet, looking for a site that would help me pick out a new screen name.  I thought that it would take all of 2 seconds, since everyone knows that you can ind anything on the internet, right?  Wrong.  I found some figure skating site that would help me if I wanted Sarah Hughs in my SN, which I don't.  So, I figured, why not start one up myself?  Enter the requested info below, (don't worry, I won't spam you, I promise!) and sit back and wait for your new name!

(OK, I'm not
that quick......  But close!)

This is just little old me answering your requests.  If you don't put your e-mail in, you WILL NOT get any screen names!  This is also not an instant service.  I wrote down at the bottom that it will take 1-3 days to get some names.  Also, if you are not happy with what I sent, resubmit a few days after I answer you for more names!

If you have not gotten your names yet, click here.
Yahoo Games(look for short_stack_2000)
Yahoo! Photos
Site's Info
My Info:
Email: [email protected]
Only tell me this stuff if you want to.  No one is forcing you to do anything!  None of there are required.  The more you fill out, the easier it is for me, though!
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