This page is a compendium of my travels online in search of names for people to use anywhere they want to. Everyone is welcome to use these names, but I ask that because I put all these lists together, you please cite the Name Page if you put a large group on your page :-)

I apologise if a list here is from your site, often people send me names and don't cite them, if they are please send me the site address and name so I can use it for credit!

Questions? Comments? Email me here
*Coming Soon!*
Russian Names 2 should be on in a few days or weeks *lol*
Hawaiian Female Names coming soon

Thank you and enjoy!

Algerian Names
Arabic Female Names
Arabic Male Names
Arvandran Female Names
Arvandran Male Names
Babylonian Names
Basque Male Names
Cheyenne Names
Chinese Female Names, A-M
Chinese Female Names, N-Z
Egyptian Female Names
Egyptian Male Names
French Female Names
French Male Names
German Female Names
German Male Names
Greek Names
Hawaiian Male Names
Hebrew Female Names
Hebrew Male Names
Hindu Female Names
Hindu Male Names
Italian Male Names
Japanese Female Names
Japanese Male Names 1
Japanese Male Names 2
Maori Names
Mongolian Names
Native American Female Names
Native American Male Names
Occitan Names
Portuguese Names
Roman Names
Russian Names 1
Sanskrit Names
Scottish Names
Sikh Names
Spanish Male Names
Swedish Female Names
Thai Female Names
Thai Male Names
Turkish Names

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