Romeo and Juliet WebQuest

It's time to enter the world of Romeo and Juliet. The Capulet's are going to have the biggest party of the year and they need the best party planners.  This means that you will have to get inside the Capulet's head and create the party they want. You will complete the following tasks in order to present the Capulet's with a portfolio for the party.  

You will have to consider several items including:
1. Time Period and Setting
2. Dress Code (Costumes)
3. Music
4. Invitations

You will have two weeks to complete this WebQuest.  The portfolio will be an e-portfolio meaning you will open a
geocities account and create your portfolio of the web.  You should have a main page and create a new page for each task. 
So let's get started !
Task 1    Task 2    Task 3   Task 4
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