The Nametable Webpage
Created 02 September 2000

Update News: 02.24.02
Current Nametable Version: 1.931c

No array updates, but a lot of code updates. I've split off the weapons nametable into a separate program, and added city and business nametable programs. I've also created a stripped-down version of the main nametable to serve as a backend to the interface I plan to write for all of them. I'm not uploading anything new until said interface is completed.

Short Program Description
The Nametable program generates random names for tabletop RPGs, video games, books, fun, profit, or any other application you can think of. Featuring open-ended die rolls, there are now literally infinite different name combinations.

Here's the latest version.

Here's the code (in C).

Here are some sample names from different program versions:
Version 1.1
Version 1.31b
Version 1.4
Version 1.41
Version 1.512
Versions 1.7-1.734
Version 1.9beta
Versions 1.9-1.93
Versions 1.93-1.93f
Versions 1.931-1.931c
And here's some sample names from other Nametable contributors:

email the author

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