His Infernal Excellency, Fleet Beekeeper The Holy Spirit Hawkwright (M) His Federal Vileness, UnderSocialist Third Class, Jareth Goblintrader (M) The Amazing Dread Executive Equestrianne Third Class, Granada Firetrapper (F) Her Worship, Imperial Brigadier Noblewoman of Veteran Affairs, Barbie Fireprotector (F) Her Excellency, Evil Gondolier First Class, Nethreen Wombatsun (F) Your Friend and Mine, Bootblack to the Apostate, 100% Beef Dirtsmith (M) Her Mightiness, Evil Senior Maniac-at-Law, Barb Jockstrangler (F) Her Drunkenness, Brigadier Scriveneress Junior Grade, Dreary Fat Boring Old Prepsinger (F) Her Excellency, Fleet Prestimentitatress of Housing and Urban Development, Margot Druidinvoker (F) The Honourable Vice Necromancer of Veteran Affairs, En Taro Tassadar Platinumarrow (M) His Cheeselessness, Imperial Terrorist Junior Grade, Hador "Stumpy" Gnomehandler (M) His Justice, Squire to the Terrorist Zuljin Snugestroker (M) The Amazing Semi-Mikado-at-Law, Tika Waylan FitzPlaidstagnancy (F) Her Senatorial Excellency, Supreme Exalted Quarterback of Silly Walks, Framcine Puffinbreasts (F) The Wonderful Jester to the Socialist, Conan O'Boring Jizz-ly (M) Her Grand Exalted Straightness, Fleet Christianne Second Class, Jude Fjordtorturer (F) Her Mightiness, Acting Diplomat Emeritus, Bimbo "The Queen of Crustaceans" Spatula (F) The High and Mighty Imperial Bootblack to the Deputy Cohort-Elect, Napya Volkswagencudgeler (F) Her Worshipfulness, Field Pharmacist of Silly Walks, The Day The Universe Changed Lobsterrider (F) Tol-i-ngaurhoth "The Gouger" Quicksword (F) Her Fatness, Deputy Jester to the Jester to the Mediatress Second Class, Apoletta Dirthand (F) His Infernal Fatness, Former Paralegal Oscar Neutralmace (M) His Worship, Lieutenant Squire to the Chef-at-Law, Latrell Sprewell Voleaxe (M) His Infernal Fatness, Special Baron Incarnate, Maldraedior Slugsplitter (M) His Highnessness, Fleet Chamberlain Marshal, Shetharbozinario FitzMilkcrafter (M) His Justice, Command Bhikshu Third Class, Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Splenden Schlitter Crasscrenbon Fried-digger-dangle-dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher Applebanger Horowitz Ticolensic Granderknotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kustlich Himbleeisen Bahnwagen Gutenabend Bitte Eine Nurnburger Bratwurstle Gespurt Mit Zweimache Luber Hundsfut Guberander Schonendanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler Aucher von Hauptkopf of Ulm Snugehandler (M) The Almighty Senior Incendiary, Spreadable Lunch Meat Swamp (M) The Almighty Bound Concubine of the Jester to the General, Sissy Plaidliquidator (F) The Astounding ArchRoyal Bootblack to the Great Prestidigitator Second Class, I. D. Notolf Oliver Appendages Trollarmour (M) The Macabre Incumbent Participant General, H. Blackass Rigatoni (M) The Amazing Head MVP Junior Grade, mRNA Annihilatase Wigglesnortass (M) His Infernal Majesty, Great Jester to the Rebel of Transportation, K. Ifrit Fjordarouser (M) The Amazing Junior Bartendress of Defence, Jebzeiah C. Goodslaughterer (F) Her Highness, Bound Concubine of the Gunnery Evil Bootblack to the Henchwoman Marshal, Esmerelda Sodomydecimator (F) His Imperial Justice, Lord of Agriculture, Alphonse Riotincinerator (M) His Fatness, Vice Astronaut Pro Tempore, Azrael Abince Poison en Flambe (M) His Highnessness, Crown Crack Troop Pro Tempore, Ehkahk McHawkpolka Dotmurdererclub (M) His Infernal Worshipfulness, Junior Prestimentitator of Health and Human Services, Joe Bo Armageddoncudgeler (M) The Great and Powerful Demi-Nerd-at-Law, Dianne Wiest "The Oyster" Hawkbamboozler (F) Her Justice, Technical Skatress General, A. W. V. Kim Basinger Firehater (F) The High and Mighty Lieutenant Major High Butcher's Father's Brother's Nephew's Cousin's Former Roommate, Al Pacino Lawonomer (M) Her Excellency, Lance Snuge Purveyoress of Commerce, Q. Slimesexer Shabadoo (F) His Holiness, Deputy Sadrazam of the Peace, Dante Hicks "The Crab" Boyviolator (M) The Pornographic Royal Junior Lumbersmith-at-Law, L. Blasphemyclub Christ (F) His Grace, Mad Dictator Belenus Womanstripper (M) Her Eminence, Grand Grand Chief First Class, Morag Mandrillburner (F) The Macabre Lance Imperial Professor of Labour, P. Forestmace Fibonacci (M) The Macabre Quasi-Botanist, Kitana FitzHowlscourge (F) His Highnessness, Evil Acting Godfather Junior Grade, J. Forestonomer Costanza (M) His Holiness, Semi-Majordomo of Silly Walks, Vipe Zeethoc Goodsnugeslayersabre (M) The Great and Powerful Junior First Sergeant, V. Ebony Rhino Cock'n'ballspants (F) His Eminence, Grand Carpet Kaiser Chevy Chase Paladinstrangler (M) His Grand Exalted Fatness, Were-Terrorist of Labour and Commerce, Obi-Wan "The Godfather" Hereticsexer (M) Her Straightness, Bound Concubine of the Proletariat The San Francisco Treat Earthforge (F) His Reverence, Mad Zahid Rubicant R. Hellhuntersinger (M) The Amazing UberHamburglar Second Class, Jules Winnfield R. Childpulverizer (M) His Fatness, Bound Concubine of the Renior-Elect, J. Pikachuimpaler Hobson (M) Her Fatness, Technical Great Prophet of the Interior, Bamfurlong FitzButtfoot (F) His Evilness, Acting Shadow Hamburglar of Silly Walks, Vortex Sephiroth Alcoholhunter (M) Her Drunkenness, Consultative Bound Concubine of the Scoutmistress First Class, Leviticus 18:22 Paislystimulater (F) Your Friend and Mine, Notorious ArchLord Blocker, S. Harold Fjordmelter (M) His Reverence, Gunnery Snuge Purveyor Illinois Smith van Jellyfishdecimator (M) Mandelbrot Gondoliersmanshipsodomizer (M) Your Friend and Mine, Lieutenant Executor of Health and Human Services, Juan Carlos of Pain Mithrilsneezer (M)