The Great and Powerful Exalted Shah Second Class, Oddjob "Fagboy" Nuggetstimulater (M) His Straightness, Incumbent Jack-of-all-trades Second Class, Johnny Bandicootrapist (M) His Cheeselessness, Squire to the Incumbent Lance Apparatchik of Commerce, James Earl Jones F. Snugestrangler (M) The Major Envoy First Class, Yngwie Malmsteen J. 6. Centipedemuffin (M) The Honourable Managing Margravine General, Miaka Faecescaresser (F) The Second Command Consultative Quasi-Headhunter Major, Ekar Orgit Jizz-faeces (M) The Junior High Subaltern Emeritus, Carol Elfincinerator (F) The Junior Abjuress Major, Lain Griffinstrangler (F) Sonja Puffincudgeler