Kurse Fake (M) The Great and Powerful Mad Consultative Eyewitness Plenipotentiary, Bhaal Assbeater (M) His Grace, Banner-Bearer Pro Tempore, Maynard "Pretty Boy" Priestpants (M) The Senior Senior Pope Second Class, Kefka Darkwrestler (M) The Almighty Dread Supreme Astronaut Apprentice, Shareen Spiteri Asssun (F) The Crown Secretary to the Secretary to the Lance Archvicar First Class, Cliff Candydestroyer (M) The Administrative Cartographer General, Hendavor von Sodomyman Lightsabre (M) Tenser "The Yahtzee Killer" McGarnigle (M) Her Royal Fatness, Fleet Prefect Moradin 6. Boycutter (F) I. I. I. Starfishbolt (M) 6. R. INT-986 Werewielder (M) Manderup Parsberg "The Crab" Bonestone (M) Bowser O'Neutralsodomizer (M) Dr. Creflo A. Dollar Anuswater (M) Fozzie Fuckhammer (M) Nhamashal Sodgoblin (M) Ausam al-Balil ben Hafhat al-Yugayyim Mooseless (M) Al Phoenixstrangler (M) Sandsnuge Phoenixanus (M) The Master Sachem J. Goodoscillator Name, Name by Name but not by Nature (M) 2. X. T. L. Eunuchkisser Vanderdecker (M) The First Guerrilla of Health and Human Services, Noge Jockgroom VI (M) 9. Cho'gall Oppossumtracker (M) His Cheeselessness, Dread Sadrazam Incarnate, Ranger Rick Weaselhorde (M) The Gay Emissary Third Class, Rasleigh Tinstroker (M)