Her Straightness, Junior Bound Concubine of the Bootblack to the Equerry Second Class, Silvia Goblincrafter (F) Chester the Molester X. Furyfaeces His Vileness, Vice Paratrooper-Elect Got Caught Wombathumper His Evilness, Secretary to the Secretary to the Prospector of Education, Khendon Plastermaster Her Highness, Fleet Pharoah-at-Law, Sharra Milkfaeces (F) His Mightiness, Shadow Great Hermit of the Treasury, Big McLargehuge Ironhoodwinker (M) Her Federal Highnessness, Quasi-Demi-Demi-Capitalist of Health, Education, and Welfare, Shannen Doherty Chaosstorm (F) Your Friend and Mine, Lord Minority Whip of Health and Human Services, Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Whoredamage (F) The Pornographic Brigadier Pariah Third Class, Shar Furyexploder (F) Her Grace, Vice Number One Archon of Silly Walks, The Northmobuilding "The Jerk" Bastard Snipehammer (F) The Wonderful Administrative Narcoleptic, Gond Plastermafiacudgelerpurveyor (M) His Exaltedness, Notorious Notary Incarnate, P. Piggly Hogswine Warriorrunner (M)