Our Prayer Requests

July 2000

Back from the States for a Discovery

This has been an incredibly busy few weeks!  We returned from our vacation visit to the United States on June 5.  Two days later, Amy Pandya and Laura Jeane arrived from the States as part of the IMB Student Ministry sections, Discovery Teams.

Here are Amy to the left, Laura to the right and Dennis below at the Out of Africa Guesthouse in Otjiwarango.  We visited Etosha National Park with Amy and Laura -- then went on to the coast, staying in Swakopmund.  They enjoyed the incredible view of rolling sand dunes from the Nambia desert as they join the Atlantic Ocean - and Dennis got to see the ocean for the very first time!

The Move

We were set to move from Rundu on June 16--or so we thought!  When I called the moving company on the 13th, they told me that things had changed and they couldn't move us until June 24.  Soon after registering the shock, they called again and moved the date again to June 17.  What a weekend!  It was incredible packing up a house that we had been in for over five years.  After living in seven houses in our first term, we thought that we were flexible.  Doesn't take long to get set in your ways!  The two biggest negatives were: (1) Carol misplaced her purse.  We began to get worried after unpacking almost all of the boxes and cancelled her credit card.  Don found the purse when he revisited Rundu-which helped in not having to get Carol a new driver's license. (2) The movers didn't get finished until late.  We got things together with just barely enough time to get out of the Kavango before dark.  For those who don't know, travel in the Kavango after dark is dangerous because of the cows that wander on the road.  We have had friends killed due to driving too fast in these conditions.  Shortly after we left Rundu, Don discovered that he had forgotten the keys to the house in Tsumeb.  Once we returned and got them, it was already starting to get toward dusk.  Hey, isn't God good?  Just as we pulled out onto the main road, an 18 wheeler went by.  Don fell in right behind him and "drafted" all the way through the Kavango. 

The New Home

We are now relatively settled into Tsumeb.  (Our new place of abode is pictured to the right.)  Relatively -- we have our TV connected so that we could see Wimbledon, but we have boxes still to be unpacked.  Relatively -- we can prepare meals and eat at home, but the refrigerator is in the dining room since we need to remove part of the cabinet to put it into the kitchen (and the dishwasher will have to stay on the porch).  Relatively -- we celebrated the 4th of July with a group of Americans in Tsumeb, but we still don't have a lot of contacts here.  We have linked up with the local church, Nombtsoub Baptist Church and are having good fellowship with the pastor, Andreas Kativa.

For our calendar and prayer requests, click here.

For More pictures, check out http://photos.yahoo.com/namibdon.  Pick whichever directory takes your fancy!
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