Now is middle 2006 and people say Namie so old to make sex movie anymore. This make I some angry and sad same time. But Namie thinks yes, maybe too old some now But Namie has still fans who want to sees movie of I. So Namie is touching and feeling ok yes please must making one more movies maybe before go forever. Thank you all so for support since I 18 year old in Osaka. If no for fans you, I not even have many thing.

Last show in few years ago, man saying he wanting I make song for sing but man must work and busy never do make. Regret is many but life is still go on. But many thing happen in last few years ago. I have meeting many new friends and fans and all you make life so wonderful. I love all you my fans and friends, help make things so good for life experiencing.

Now I make one last special and also put all together from old years put up on internet until now in one website nice. If you can all see, I know is for to thank you.

New Volume 4 is inspiring by Mae West. I trying but is maybe more Asia Mae West and modern. So is same and is difference. I hope all you enjoy.

Loving your friend moviestar,

Namie Masada

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