Weiß Yaoi Schedule For The 4 Seasons...

by Cresent Star

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Koyasu Takehito, Project Weiß... ;_;...

Note from Kaoru: Tsk. So much for a standard disclaimer. Anyhoo, this is not so much a fic but a guide (Cres: Hah!) to planning fun filled activities all year round for our beloved Weiß boys. Hey, this show *needs* humour, yaoi or not! Enjoy!


1. Suggest going on a camping trip.

2. Arrive at camp site, pitch 3 tents. Two small, one large. (Why? You'll see..)

3. Claim that you'd like to see more of the great outdoors. Insist on going in pairs because you might get 'lost'. Immediately get yourself lost.

4. Drag your stoic but beloved redhead along to fish for dinner. Conveniently let it get away and have *him* for dinner.

5. Start a camp fire to roast marshmallows.

6. Make marshmallows 'last' in a very suggestive manner. (Chew off the crispy bits and lick away at the creamy white stuff...:))

7. Tell campfire stories. Let Youji amaze with his dashing stories of bed hopping. Let Aya bore you with his sister... or his silence. Let Ken update you on the latest soccer news. Let Omi shock everyone with erotic stories from the Net.

8. Tell everyone else is time to turn in. Stubbornly refuse to turn in. Time to grope with your partner of choice.

9. Here's where the three tents come into play. Amuse yourself privately in either of the smaller tents. Amuse yourself publicly in the larger one.

10. Snuggle. Awww...

* * *


1. Hop into Youji's jeep and make him take you to a private beach.

2. Set up all your normal beach stuff, ie; umbrellas, towels. Stay under there and refuse to play because it will ruin your delicate deathly white complexion. No, don't say that. It's not in character. Tell them that you don't think having *everyone* play and get sweaty is very fun. Hopefully, Ken will get the hint.

3. Claim that you want to add new shells to your collection ("Oi, Omi, since when did you collect *shells*?"). Insist on going in pairs to... uhh... prevent from getting lost? Run beyond the cliffs to get yourself 'lost'.

4. Stay under the umbrella as above. Complain that you are very hot. Start taking an article of clothing off. Repeat until you have no more clothes. Best effect if you have worn many layers.

5. Fan yourself over specific areas whilst complaining that you are very hot. Maybe Ken will get the point?

6. Come back from sea shell hunting. Make sure you are not wearing each others' clothes.

7. Play beach volley to get sweaty and dirty. Take this opportunity to rinse yourself off in the sea. Insist on going in pairs.

8. Go skinny dipping.

9. Complain that you are very hot. Reach into the cooler for a popsicle. Savour each lick like it's your last. If Ken still doesn't get the point, drag him by the collar, rip off his clothes and screw him before the other two come back from skinny dipping.

10. Watch a beautiful golden sunset together. Use the dying light to conceal wandering hands.

* * *


1. Make a bonfire of leaf litter in the backyard. If you find yourself sadly lacking a backyard, the flowershop will do.

2. Dump all the dead leaves, twigs and other rubbish from around the shop into the fire. Yes, in the middle of the Koneko.

3. Push potatoes and chestnuts into fire to roast. Comment on the wonderful amount of smoke accumulating in the shop.

4. Stumble out of the shop choking and rubbing your tearing eyes. Conveniently run into a secluded back alley to feel each other up. Terribly important note: Make sure you are in *separate* alleys.

5. Suggest that you take a romantic walk in the late afternoon light. Head for the park.

6. Roll around with your partner and have fun in the fallen maple... uhh... ginko leaves.

7. Complain that you have an itch you can't reach from rolling around in leaves. A little to the left... no.. too much... more to the right... lower... lower...

8. Run back to the shop to save it from burning down.

9. If need be, call the fire department.

10. Comment that it has been an eventful day, that you have a headache from the smoke and 'accidentally' wander into someone else's room.

* * *


1. Rent a lodge up in the mountains to prevent uninvited guests. Check the weather forecast for any coming storms. If you get snowed in, all the better.

2. Make a fire to snuggle in front of.

3. Hang up the socks and pass around the eggnog.

4. Pass around Twinkies to nibble on. Do so in a lewd manner.

5. Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. Claim that you're afraid of roaches, so you can drag Youji along.

6. Come back from the bathroom and pretend not to notice Aya and Ken's rumpled clothes.

7. Screw the eggnog and break out the whisky.

8. Pretend to get drunk so that you can 'forget' everything in the morning.

9. Lose all inhibitions and have a good ol' fashioned orgy.

10. Fall asleep on the couch in front of the fire. Oyasumi nasai...

Geez, all that just coz Kaoru made me watch the Weiß concerts... O_o... Koyasu? Yuuki? Don't ask.

The source code of this page is copyright Namikata Kaoru 2000. The text of this fic is copyright Cresent Star 2000. No unauthorized reproductions please!

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